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Just as he was done packing up his backpack, Jet heard the airship's phone ring. Though he was expecting it, he still wasn't reassured when he heard the ringing phone echo in the hallways of their home. Wave and Storm were elsewhere, getting their stuff together for when they would have to go on the run. As much as it annoyed him secretly that they left him to answer the phone, Jet couldn't be mad at his friends. After all, he was just as nervous and afraid as they were.

Finally mustering the courage, he headed to the kitchen and picked up the phone from its charger.

"H-hello?" he nervously asked.

Just as he suspected, the unsettling voice of the... "client" spoke.

"Well Jettison, what do you have to report after your little... outing with her? Any signs that she has gotten stronger with her powers? Is she really the one?" the voice of the creep asked them.

Jet shook a little. He heard the sound of footsteps coming to him. He spun around, and he saw Wave and Storm giving him worried looks. Both of them had their backpacks ready, and they watched anxiously as he answered the phone.

Despite how scared his friends were, Jet felt a boost of confidence within himself. He took a deep breath and exhaled, ready to give the creep his honest report.

"You want a report? Well, I don't regret informing you, that I have nothing to give you that's worth your time..." he said, a little coldly.

"Jettison!" said the creep's voice angrily.

"Don't call me by my full name! Only my father is allowed to call me by my name, and I know that you don't have him hostage! I ran into him today, and even if you didn't have my dad hostage, what you've made me and my friends do for you is despicable!" said Jet.

Jet felt a swarm of anger start to overwhelm him. He clenched his free hand into a fist to contain his anger. But that didn't calm him down, so he continued.

"I'm not afraid of you! If anyone should be afraid, it should be you! I can see how strong she is becoming, and if you dare to come after her, then you'll pay for threatening her and her friends!" said Jet.

The creep was about to start yelling something angrily, but Jet didn't want to hear it. He hung up the phone, knowing that the creep was just going to throw threats but not do anything. At least, for the time being, the creep couldn't do anything.

After hanging up the phone, Jet angrily slammed it back into the charger.

"Jerk!" he muttered.

"Boss, are you okay?" Storm asked him, giving him a worried look.

Jet stopped frowning and calmly turned to face his friends.

"I'm fine. You guys ready to run away?" he told them.

"We're ready. Whatever happens, we'll go through it together, right?!" said Wave.

"Right!" said Storm.

Jet nodded his head. He picked up his backpack, but then he moved over to the kitchen. There was a sheet of paper on the table, with an envelope with an address and a stamp next to it.

"You really wanna send her a letter?" asked Wave.

"Yes. Kate is our friend now, and if it comes down to it, we have to be there for her. Whatever this creep is planning, it's gonna involve all of us somehow. She's strong, I know that, but... based on experiences on dealing with Eggman, I know that there is strength in numbers..." said Jet.

"Whatever he throws at us next, we better be ready then," said Wave.

"I'll be right by your side, boss!" said Storm.

"I know guys. Just... give me a second to seal this so we can send it out as we leave," said Jet.

The hawk picked up the letter, giving it one last skim before he was ready to send it to Kate.

I know how hard it is: being told that you are destined for something great, and having high expectations on your shoulders. The road ahead is probably gonna be rough, whether or not your training has just begun. But I want you to be aware of something. The person who wants to find you, the one who has had people try to kidnap you, or even spy on you, he's not a good guy. He says he knows you, but he's possessive of you. But he's also scared of you, because you are the one who can stop him. You have the power within you to put an end to his reign, and protect our world from everlasting darkness. Just know that you have friends who believe in you, and who will be there for you. If you find yourself alone, come to the Babylon Gardens. –Three Friends of yours

Jet folded up the letter to fit it inside the envelope. Sealing it properly, he hurriedly rushed out of the airship to join Storm and Wave. The two were waiting outside, and once Jet was outside, they quickly shut the door to their airship and locked it up, setting in the security measures.

"Goodbye home..." Storm muttered, forming a sad look on his face.

"It won't be forever, Storm. We'll be back home as soon as the creep is dealt with," said Wave.

"Yeah. But we need to always be ready. Who knows how soon it'll be until he can get here himself?" said Jet, looking nervous.

The hawk rushed over to a nearby mailbox. He dropped the letter inside, hoping that it would reach the Mushroom Kingdom sooner than later.

With that done, the Babylon Rogues took one last look at their airship, before they got on their Extreme Gear, and road off into the night as quickly as they could.

Although he expected the Rogues to fail, he was still disappointed, and very, very furious with them.

As soon as Jet hung up before he could throw his threats at the hawk, the figure let out an angry roar of anger. His fit of anger was rather powerful, nearly blowing off the black cloak that concealed their face. But his face remained hidden, showing that the rest of him consisted of what appeared to be the figure of a human.

But he certainly didn't look human at all, for his skin was dark grey, his fingernails were sharp like claws, and his clothing was black and sinister.

After letting out his fit of anger, he managed to calm down, but this time, he didn't form his eerie smile when Bowser and Eggman had failed him. Walking through his shadowy castle, he headed for a balcony, stepping into the outside world just a little bit.

This world looked much like how he remembered it. Homes in the far distance away from his island. Buildings and businesses were mere humans made their living wages. Only differences were that all the colors were drained, leaving everything gray and colorless, and a lingering feeling of misery among the human race. That, and the dark cloud he had casted to surround the planet.

He had no other choice. This was the price he paid to exchange his humanity for these powers. The sun is his weakness. The day is his eternal enemy, while the night is his time of reign and power.

"First Bowser and Eggman, and now the Babylon Rogues... and it's true! She's the Dreamer of Peace! I killed the wrong target! The one I want to have as my queen holds the power to destroy me!" he said.

He looked down at the land that was his below. Standing throughout his island was a huge army of shadowy like figures. She may have slipped out of his grasp a while ago, but since then, he was growing his army of Nightmares. And soon, he would be strong enough to physically go to the planet where she ended up at.

Soon, he can come and collect her, and do what needs to be done to cleanse her, just as he cleansed himself.

"I'll do it myself... I'll take control once and for all!" he said in a sinister voice.

The Three Heroes will return...

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