Chapter 15

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"I've also been doing some research, on the Power of Dreams..." said Kate.

"Research? Wait, have you been reading up and studying about your power the whole time since we've started training?" asked Mario.

"Since we got here. I uh... I found a book in the library at your mother's castle," Kate said, looking at Sonic.

She motioned over to the drawer where she had been hiding the book and her notes. Mario and Sonic turned to face it. Mario didn't move, but Sonic got up and walked over. He opened up the drawer, and after moving few shirts that were folded up, he found the library book and Kate's notebook buried underneath. The blue hedgehog grabbed the items and pulled them out.

"I found that book at the library before we left, and I snuck it out. I promise, I'll put it back when we return to the castle, but I was too curious. I wanted to understand my powers better, and I thought that by doing research would help me with training," said Kate.

"Has it been helpful so far?" asked Mario.

"More importantly..." said Sonic, as he opened up the notebook to skim Kate's notes, "Has this stuff... bothered you a bit?"

Kate looked down, remaining silent instead of giving Sonic a response. Though she didn't say it out loud, her friends nervously looked at her and could read the answer from her expression.

"Do you really think you'll end up... bad Kate? I know you don't want to," said Sonic.

"What? You think you'll become a villain or something? Mama mia, Kate! That's ridiculous!" said Mario.

"I know it does, but... a long time ago, according to this book, there were many people with my power, but it took selfishness to turn those people bad," said Kate.

"But surely not all of them were bad. Have you finished reading the book?" asked Mario.

"I have just a little bit left..." said Kate.

Sonic handed Mario the notebook, letting the plumber skim through the notes Kate had taken.

After a few minutes, silence occupying the room and keeping the trio company, Mario finally closed the notebook. He looked at Sonic and nodded his head. Sonic nodded his head back.

Sonic handed the book back to Kate, who formed a puzzled look at the hedgehog and the plumber.

"Let's finish it together then. Read the last bit to us right now, and we'll see how this story about your power came to an end," said Sonic.

Kate looked down at the book, then back up at her friends. She looked back down, letting out a small sigh.

She then opened up the book, proceeding to continue where she left off, and finish her research, this time with Mario and Sonic.

Balance means that one cannot exist without the other. So when there is a dream, there is also a nightmare...

This became evident when the selfish ambitions of the Dark Dreamers reached its peak, in the battle between light and dark. The ugly side of humanity came out in the Dark Dreamers, for their selfishness consumed not just themselves, but also their own shadows. The dark side of the Power of Dreams created the Nightmares.

The Nightmares are the shadowy forms of the "dark" side of a person, regardless if they're human or Mobian. The opposite of a standard dream, rather than share and spread hope and kindness through action and thoughts, the Nightmares became actual creatures split from the shadows of the Dark Dreamers. They are a personification of the "dark" side of mortal beings, and they gain strength off of fear, anger, and sadness in people who have suffered. Whether the mortals have suffered through loss or mistreatment, the Nightmares grow stronger the more pain a mortal has gone through. As stated by their names, they are only present in the time of day when the sun is absent and the moon rises high in the sky.

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