Caster encounter

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This is the part where Izuku activates not only his lost magic, thus making him a magician, but also his other bloodline. the other bloodline idea is thanks to Reynicolover69 for giving me said idea back in the prologue.

this is more or less directly after the last chapter ends. so onward, to the chapter!


Caster was successful in getting Shirou, since he was but asleep within his bed. However she wasn't successful in getting Izuku since he was still awake so he could see what was coming after him and dodge before he got taken.

However, unfortunate for her, Izuku saw Shirou being transported away, so he quickly got his 3 servants along with Artoria out of bed. Once all 4 was out of bed, they rushed towards the temple where Shirou was taken.

Though what they didn't noticed, was that Archer was watching and decided that this was the perfect moment to try and eliminate Shirou out of the equation without any interference. though unfortunate for him, his luck will hit him in the face like a bitch slap to show him why he shouldn't screw with it.

~~Timeskip brought to you by Nezu doing the usual, drinking tea while stuff goes down within UA~~

They (Izuku and the 4 servants coming with him), had gotten to the archway when they were stopped by the Assassin that was summoned by Caster.

They (Izuku and the 4 servants coming with him), had gotten to the archway when they were stopped by the Assassin that was summoned by Caster

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"Hello there you young ones." he speaks to them as they stop. "I am Assassin and was tasked to keep the more mundane people from entering this place." Before Artoria, Medusa, Cu or Izuku can talk, Mordred steps forward and speaks "what do you say, Assassin, shall we fight?"

after thinking a little bit, he agrees. Izuku quickly noticed what to do and they go past while the Mordred and Assassin begin their fight. As they get up there, they see Caster waiting for Artoria with Shirou tied up. When she sees Artoria, she grins, knowing full well that she is close to getting a Saber class servant to be under her.

Though she is momentarily surprised to see another master and 2 other servants, she quickly grins, seeing how she can win easily. "I see you came to rescue your master, Saber. though I have to ask, how did you get past Assassin since he should have kept you occupied." Caster says, wanting to know how they got past.

"There's another servant currently taking on Assassin. which class though, I won't say." Izuku tells Caster, who smirks at that fact. Just then, Caster charges and just about nicks Artoria with Rule Breaker before having to dodge. Caster uses it's ability to sever her connection to Shirou, which works. what wasn't planned, however, was that instead of the command seals going to Caster like she wants, it goes to Izuku.

Izuku realizes what happened after Caster's command to Artoria fails. He says "I know where they have gone." to which they all realize they went to him. Their opponent is angry since they didn't go to her like it was supposed to.

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