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Hannahs pov
"Hello, Hannah speaking." I talked into my phone. "Hey it's Camden Im really bored wh-." He said and then I cut him off. "Shush call me on my computer imma add the rest of the group." I told him excited I have a great idea.

"Hey guys, so we should go on an adventure on a boat go ask your gaurdians!" I told them. After they came back they all had an okay so we're going on a adventure! "Okay go pack, Josie stay on the call with me actually you too Hailey. They said okay in syce.

We talked while packing and then I texted the boys telling them to meet me at my uncle's boat. Once everybody was there we got on a started our adventure. "Are you guys excited?" I asked the boys. "Yes I told you I was bored and then you cut me off." Camden said with a glare at the end. "Ugh screw you anyways how about you Walter." I said. "Yeah yeah whatever, wait that wasn't the question uh bye!" He said annoyed and nervously, what a weirdo. I went to find Josie so I could ask her. "Josie Josie Josie Josie JOSIE!" I kept yelling for her but she didn't come to me whatever I just went up to the bathroom and then went to the back of the boat . "How you doing?" Carson asked. "Good , this is nice to be away from home especially my younger brother, he's annoying." I told him. "oh that's nice I meant out here like this feeling." He said. I got lost in my own thoughts, I think he likes me but I'm not jumping to conclusions me and Walter dated and Walter loved me and still does and I dumped him so it would be mean to date your best friends ex when he still likes me.

He tried to grab my hand but I walked away, if he did like me I wouldn't date him if he wanted to I can't let Walter hurt even more we are friends and their best friends not gonna happen. "Where are you going!" He asked me. "Uh not sure I'm gonna go find Camden or Josie bye." I told him that because I didn't want to be by him.

"Guys its late we would go to bed before we freeze!" I yelled for my friends they all went into bed, I shared a room with the girls. The boys had their own room together as well.

When we woke up it was weird the boat wasn't moving. "WHAT THE!" I heard one of the boys yell. "What?" I asked and then say we were on an island. "GUYS WAKE UP!" I yelled for them after they got up and saw, we had two people near the back to see if we started the boat but it wouldn't start, we're stranded.

Carson's pov
I have a crush on Hannah, she's cute. I don't care that her and Walter dated and he still likes her I have my own feelings too and I like Hannah. I know she's not going to date anyone from the friend group though.

She told us we're stranded on an island, she's so pretty and adorable when she's panicking. Anyways I'm not gonna drool over her right now I have to fix this and find food so she can live and I can end up kissing her.

"I can find food for us." I told her. "Thanks Carson could you, that would be great." She asked me. "Yeah." I told her while walking away. I swear I might punch Walter soon he is staring at her in a bad lovey way.

When I got back with the food Walter was helping her up in a very close way. "Here let me help you Hannah." I went over there and pushed Walter to the side as I helped her. "What the heck Carson, I can help her you know I'm not broken!" He yelled at me. "You sucked at helping her." I told him while walking away. "Carson really!" Hannah said with a lot of frustration in her voice. "Where's Camden?" I asked Hannah. "He's getting water and filtering it for us." She told me and rolled her eyes when I looked at her the way Walter does. I don't understand why Walter can but I can't.

"Hey Walter, come here over here." I asked him. "Yeah?" He asked me. "This." I punched him in the face and walked away like nothing happened, that's what he gets for taking my crush.

"Hannah, help my nose!" He yelled in pain. "What happened Walter!" She said in a mad panic. "Uh I was looking at a rock and dropped it on my nose." He said as he saw my glare I gave him. "Oh, come here it's not broken. " She told him

After that happened Hannah came over to me. "Hey Hannah." I said while looking away. "Look at me Carson, why the heck did you punch Walter!" She asked me. "I didn't punch him Hannah I don't know what your talking about, he's my best friend why the heck would I punch him?" I asked her. "Give up the stupid act Carson do you think I'm dumb I saw it all and your dumb glare." She told me. "Um no." I said. "That's it just really carson, ugh get some manners and grow up." She told me while walking away. I do regret it a little though.

I wonder what Walter told her. She could've seen me punch him, I was behind a rock unless he turned to an angle when I wasnt looking.

Now she is never going to date me since I'm super jealous. Hopefully we just make up and all be friends again.

It was time to go to bed again so we did. I woke up and went to the ship to look from the back of it to get a view of the moon. Then I saw Hannah. "What are you doing up Hannah." I asked her. "Looking at the moon." She told me. "Same." I told her. She tried to walk away because she's mad at me, I grabbed her by the wrist as she tried to pull away.

     This is so fun lol

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