Moved on

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Hannah's pov
"He seemed so happy and I was happy. I thought about you a few times but I couldn't stop." Josie said. "You were fucking around with my boyfriend and you were my best friend!" I yelled. "So!" She yelled back. I grabbed her hair and pulled it and ran away before she could do something back.

"Hannah I have a question." Walter said. "Would you day me now?" Walter asked me. "Probably." I said. "Will you date me?" He asked me. "Yes!" I said excitedly. We hugged and then I walked away back over to the group. Carson pulled me aside. He gabbed my hand and pulled me close to him so we were chest to chest. "Baby I'm sorry, I really really love you." Carson said and tried kissing. "Stop." I said and pushed his head away. "But baby I love you." He said. "I don't, Ive moved on from you." I snapped. "You just don't want to date me, who would want to date a bitch like you." Carson said. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him over to Walter. I ran up to Walter and kissed him, he obviously kissed me back. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." Walter said back. "What the fuck, your supposed to hate him!" Carson yelled at me, he went to hit me but Walter grabbed his wrist to stop him. "Don't you dare fucking hit her!" Walter yelled. I pushed Walter away from Carson and pushed Carson too. "Fuck off!" I yelled at Carson. He walked away. I hugged Walter. "He was kissing  me." I said. "I know, I saw." Walter said. "Why didn't you do anything?" I asked. "I know you." Walter said. I stood there, he does know me. I broke down in tears. "What's wrong?" Walter asked me. "You do know me, I messed up. I messed up because I hated you, I thought Carson was better but he wasn't. You knew me." I said. Walter hugged me but didn't say anything.

I went over to talk to Camden for a little bit because I wanted to tell him what happened.

Walters pov
After Hannah walked away, I had a sudden urge to talk to Carson. So I did, I walked over to him. "What do you want?. " Carson asked. "To talk." I said. "Why?" Carson asked. "Cause." I said.

"Why do you 'love' Hannah so much but you tried to hit her?" I asked. "She moved one fast, when she loved me." Carson replied. "Mhm." I mumbled. "Yeah she did love you but you decided to cheat on her like the asshole you are, she's hurt Carson. She may be dating me but I can tell that she misses you." I said. "Then why won't she date me?" Carson asked. "Cause you fucking cheated on her." I said. "So." Carson said. "The nerve you have to be using the sweetest girl." I said. Carson didn't say anything. "I do regret it." Carson. Said. "Sure." I said and walked away. I saw Hannah talking with Josie.

"I want to know why you would back stab me like this Josie?" Hannah asked. Josie didn't answer but she gave a mischievous smile and looked at me. Then everything went black.

Hannah's pov
I turned around to see what Josie was looking at. I saw Walter on the ground and Carson behind him.

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