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Hannah's pov
I didn't talk for a while, not even to Carson. I could tell that Carson was mad and worried for me. "Hannah please talk to me." Carson begged. I walked away from him. Carson grabbed my hand. I immediately flashed back to when I was ex with Walter but I didn't want to date anyone. I pulled away and started crying. He hugged me. "That scared me Carson, don't do that again." I said to Carson. "I'm sorry, why'd it scare you?" Carson asked me. I told him the flash back I had. "I'm sorry." Carson said.

I started to talk again and Carson wanted to talk with me about something. "Why were you so sad about Walter?" Carson asked me. "We already talked about this." I told Carson. "Please Hannah." Carson said. "I saw his eyes become sad and he held in his emotion, I feel bad." I told Carson. "But he hurt you." Carson said. "He still likes me and we talked about me and you!" I yelled at Carson. "I told Walter that I felt a connection with you but now your acting like an asshole, I don't know what to think anymore!" I screamed so the whole group could hear me. Carson grabbed my hand. "Stop!" I yelled and jerked my hand away. "we're done." I said. "You're breaking up with me?" Carson asked. "Yes." I said and walked away. I looked back and saw Carson walk over to the tent and sit next to it and just sit there, his eyes looked like Walters.

I thought that Carson would treat me better, obviously not. I went over to where Walters 'hideout' is. "Hey." I said. "Hi, what's up?" Walter asked. "I broke up with Carson." I said. "Why?" Walter asked me. "He started to act really mean and stuff." I told Walter. "I bet he didn't mean it." Walter told me. "Maybe, he looked really sad." I said. "You should go talk to him." Walter told me. "Why are you being so nice about it?" I asked. "I told you I didn't care about who you date and obviously you guys love each other or Carson really loves you, I needed to act like a better best friend to Carson and he should've to." Walter told me. "Okay, I'll go." I said and walked away.

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