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Carson's pov
I walked onto the boat and waited for Hannah to come talk to me. I was really hoping she wanted to date me, but she did say she wasn't going to date any of us.

She slowly walked on the boat. "Hey Carson." She said with a worried tone. "Hi, why do you sound worried?" I asked her. "It's nothing I'm just tired." She told me with a soft smile. "Okay see you later!" I yelled to her while she walked away.

I watched her and seen her go to Walter. I followed them because I couldn't help myself, it's hard not to follow them.

"I don't know how to tell him Walter." Hannah told Walter. " Well you have to I can't he might beat me up. You'll be okay." Walter told Hannah. "I'm scared." Hannah said while she started to cry. "Babe, don't cry  he won't hurt you." Walter told Hannah.

Are they dating! No no no they can't be. It's just friend talk she'll probably walk away from him from uncomfort.

Walter hugged Hannah and she hugged him back. They are dating. That's not right, she lied!

"Hannah!" I yelled, I ran out into sight. "What the hell Carson!" Hannah yelled at me. "Why would you lie to me about not dating us?" I asked Hannah. "I don't know." She told me grasping onto Walter because she was scared. "I won't hurt YOU Hannah." I told her and then glared at Walter.

I punched Walter. He kicked me in the shin. Hannah tried to pull me away from Walter but she couldn't so she ran over to the group. "You are a backstabber!" I yelled to Walter as I punched him on the face. "I've always liked Hannah!" he yelled back and kicked me down and jumped on me trying to make it impossible to get up.

I rolled over so he'd fall off me. He did. I kicked him on his side because I couldn't get up. Hannah and the others came running over to us. Hannah was crying a lot. When they brought us over to the camp Hannah and Walter started to argue.

"I told you he'd hurt me!" Walter yelled at Hannah. She flinched and yelled back "I didn't ugh shut up I'm going!" She walked away.

Great my stupid jealousy caused them to fight on their first day of dating. I hate myself, I lost my best friend,I lost most of my friends, I should just leave. And that's when I knew what to do, plan my escape.

When I got better I started to plan my get away. I can't stay here and feel hated which I am. I don't want to leave, I want to make up with them but I can't.

I stayed up all night last night and I'm planning to sleep tonight and swim or run away the next day. They won't miss me that much. I wish I could've kissed Hannah at least once in my life but I can't now because she's dating Walter and I'm leaving so I won't see her again.

The next day
I'm running away tonight. I ignored everyone because I felt like I was going to have a lecture. Hannah kept looking at me as if she wanted to talk. I walked over to her and got Walters attention because he just loves his girlfriend. "Why are you looking at me?" I asked her. She didn't answer me she just grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the other side of the island and into a cave.

"Why Carson why?" She asked me almost crying. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "Why did you let your jealousy get to you?" She asked. "I just couldn't help it, I saw you and Walter hugging and I just snapped." I told her. "That was your best friend!" She yelled. I didn't answer her. "All of the group is mad at you and only you." She told me and then started crying. "Hannah dont cry." I told her. "I don't want to ruin you and Walters friendship." She told me. "You aren't, I'm ruining it. " I told her. She ran into my arms. "I don't want to be here anymore Carson, I want to leave, without Walter without the girls without Camden-" I cut her off. "And without me." I said. She looked up at me. "With you." She said and then started to walk away in guilt. "With me?" I asked her. "Yeah." She told me. "I was planning to leave today." I told her. Her face lit up.

She jumped into my arms with the sweetest smile. "Hannah!" I heard walter  yell as he looked at me. "Why are you hugging Carson? He asked, I think he was getting mad because his fists clenched. "No reason." She said. "Oh really." He said.

Walter punched me and then grabbed Hannah by the arm and pulled her away. I heard Hannah scream.

Walters pov
I slapped Hannah after I pulled her away, I didn't mean to it just happened. She bursted into tears and fell to the ground. "Your being dramatic!" I yelled at her and grabbed her and pulled her up. "Stop Walter it hurts!" She screamed at me hitting my arm. I felt a hand on my shoulder and then yank me and push me to the ground. "Dont touch her like that Walter!" Carson yelled.

He let Hannah choose if she wanted to go with him or me. She chose him. They walked away and I just layed there. I couldn't believe myself, I just hurt my girlfriend and I officially lost my best friend. I just can't lose my best friend but I have and there isn't a way to take it back.

Hannah was holding hands with Carson when they walked away, that's what hurt me the most. I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Camden. He held out his hand offering to help me up. I shook my head and then he walked away.

No way homeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora