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Walters pov
I really want Hannah back but she doesn't like me so I can't turn myself into a jealous asshole.

"Thanks for changing you mind, I was a wreck." Hannah said to Carson. "You don't think I saw that, I lost my trust in you but it was hard as fuck to give you up." Carson said.

I walked away, I can't stand the fact that Hannah is dating Carson. I saw Carson walk away and go into Josie's tent. Why'd he go in there? I went over to her tent and listened. "I love you." Carson said. I heard kissing sounds. Is Carson cheating on Hannah?

I have to go tell her. "Hannah!" I yelled. "What's up?" She asked. "I think Carson is cheating on you." I said. "Your just mad because I'm dating him." Hannah said and walked away.  "But Hannah." I whispered. I am going to prove I'm right. Carson left Josie's tent. "Carson." I said. "What do you want." Carson said annoyed. "Why are you cheating on Hannah? I heard you and Josie in there." I said. "Im not cheating on her." Carson said. "You kissed her in there!" I yelled. "I didn't!" He yelled back. "You fucking asshole!" I yelled. "Ask Josie, I she wouldn't hurt her best friend!" Carson yelled. "You did." I said. Me and Carson just stood there. "I know but I really love Hannah, I wouldn't just do that." Carson said. "it was my fault too, I can't just be blaming you for my actions. I hit Hannah and I really regret it and I'm blaming it on you for Hannah not liking me, I miss you as my best friend but I know that you don't want to be friends because I hurt hannah in two ways." I said. "I miss you being my friend too but I'm scared for Hannah." Carson said. I didn't say anything after that because I saw Hannah standing there in shock. I walked away.

"Walter wait!" Hannah yelled. "Walter!" Carson yelled. "Why!" I yelled back. "Maybe I have something to say about what I heard what if I wanted to date again, huh?" Hannah said. "Fine." I said and walked back.

"What?" I asked. I looked away from them because they were holding hands. "Carson please don't be scared for me if you want to be friends with Walter again, do it." Hannah said. "Do you really want to be friends again Walter?" Carson asked me. "Yeah." I said. "But I hate looking at you guys holding hands and kissing and hugging. I hate the fact that you've moved on Hannah. I know I said that I didn't care who you dated Hannah but I really do care. I fucking can't stand you guys together." I said. "I'm sorry Walter but I like Carson." Hannah said. "I know that." I said. We were talked about for a while and decided that me and Carson are friends again but I pulled Carson aside after.

"Are you cheating on Hannah?" I asked.

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