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Evan's pov
Connor,Miguel,and I were all at the National Park.i was able to get them in they for free since I'm the park ranger's apprentice,"I gotta say Ev,I see why you're a tree expert."Miguel said."Nature is fucking beautiful."Connor said,"Th-That's not eve-even the best part!The la-lakes here are-are very clean."I added."So like,they're not polluted?"Connor asked,"nope!"I replied."Woah..."Connor and Miguel both whispered,I cheekily grinned."now that we can all fully see color I realize now that nature really is peaceful and pretty."Connor said,"I-I'm g-gl-glad y-yo-you realize tha-that."i said.i then felt my phone buzz,I took it out of my pocket and saw I got a text from Alana."O-Oh no..."I groaned,"What's wrong?"Miguel asked.

"J-Ja-Jar-Jared's go-going nuts."I replied,"what did he do?"Connor asked,sounding disappointed."Joe Icon gave him coffee."i read Alana's text out loud,Connor groaned.we all got up,"let's go contain your wild animal."Connor said."babe that's his soulmate."Miguel corrected him,"What's the difference?"he asked Miguel."C-Co-Come on guys!"i said,we all ran towards Connor's truck.as we got in I got another text from Alana,"O-Oh gee-geez,he-he's no-now climbing the statues out-outside of the mu-museum."I read her text out loud."What the fuck is wrong with him?"Connor asked,he started his truck and immediately began to drive.

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