On My Own

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New chapter alert. What will happen next?  Keep reading to find. I love you and good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

It was a year later and Mia had moved to Las Vegas. When all the bullshit happened with Meech she remembered she had a nice chunk of change saved up. She moved to Las Vegas and created a new life for herself. Mia got herself a job at somebody else's hair salon and  was saving up until she could get her own again. Mia had her own apartment and was still single. To be honest she wasn't looking to be in a relationship. She was just focused on the bag. But you wanna know something? One day Meech asked Debbie about Mia and she told him what happened. It seemed as if Meech and Debbie were the rock and the glue that held the whole group together. Disclaimer: they're just friends. Nothings going on between them. Okay back to the story. You know Mia had hurt Meech pretty bad by her actions. But the truth was Meech low key still wanted Mia. He was gonna surprise her in Las Vegas. He was going to see if she had changed her ways and if so he was gonna ask her to come back to Cali with him. But of course you know you can't tell that sort of thing in just a few days. Meech decided he would stay out in Vegas for like a month. It was a short flight and when he touched down he went to his hotel first to get rid of his bags. Debbie had told him what hair shop to find Mia at and that's where he would go.

Mia was working on a press and curl when the owner of the shop came to her to tell her somebody was there to see her. She wondered who it could be. She didn't know anybody in Vegas. She told her client she would be right back. When she got up to the front of the shop she saw him. She didn't know what to think honestly cause she hadn't seen or heard from him in a long time. She stood in front of him and just looked at him and he at her. She was shocked.

Meech: What's up Mia?

Mia: Meech what are you doing here? How did you find me?

Meech: I asked Debbie about you and she told me what happened

Mia: Wow. I just wow

Meech: You speechless huh? Probably thought you would never see me again

Mia: No I didn't. I thought maybe you would've found you somebody else by now

Meech: You know Mia. I thought it would be that easy seeing as how angry you made me but no. I just needed some time to get myself and my mental health together

Mia: Yeah I understand

Meech: What time you get off?

Mia: I'm on my last client and then I'll be off

Meech: So like an hour?

Mia: Yeah

Meech: I'm coming back and then I wanna take you out to eat so we can talk some more

Mia: Meech i don't think....

Meech: Shhhhh. I'll see you in an hour

Mia: Okay

Meech walked off to his rental car and drove off. Mia am just stood there for a minute confused. "Meech came all the way to Las Vegas to see about me? But it's been so long" she thought to herself. She snapped back to reality and went to finishing her clients head.

Meech rolled out just as Mia was finished cleaning and getting ready to go. She looked back as she grabbed her bag and he was standing right there.

Mia: Hey

Meech: Hey. You ready to go?

Mia: Yeah

Mia went and told the owner she was gone for the day and told her see you tomorrow. The owner replied "okay" and that she was doing such a good job. Mia was driving a 2002 cutlas the color green. It wasn't luxurious like the G Wagon she once had but it was reliable. Meech told Mia to meet him at Joe's Seafood, Prime Steak & Stone Crab. You know Meech loves himself some steak. When they got there Meech walked up to Mia's car and opened the door for her. He had never done that before. Not to say he wasn't a gentleman but she couldn't remember him ever doing such a thing. They walked in the restaurant side by side. After they sat down the waitress came and took their orders. Then they started talking.

Meech: So I see you got a job at somebody else salon now

Mia: It's not like I had a choice. You took mine away from me

Meech: Yeah I did. What made you move to Las Vegas?

Mia: I needed a new start and I wanted to go somewhere nobody knew me

Meech: How's that been going for you?

Mia: It's been good. I enjoy it here. Sure there was a little struggle but I'm use to that. After I got established it was smooth sailing from there. I got myself an apartment and I'm doing okay for right now. I'm saving up to get a new salon

Meech: Oh okay. So you wanna stay here?

Mia: Yeah it's nice here. Being here helps me to forget the pain of the past. I can be free and I don't have to go back to Cali if I don't want to. I'm comfortable

Meech: So you would never consider going back to California?

Mia: Nope. For what Meech? Nothing is there for me anymore. My brother is dead and Debbie & nem got they own lives. We're not together. Me and Doggystyleeee haven't talked in months. Snoop stopped reaching out and I didn't get a chance to get any of those celebrity clients he talked about. So I have nothing there to look forward to

Meech: I understand

Mia: When we broke up I lost it all. So I had to go somewhere to get myself together and here I am. Why you asking me about going back to Cali?

Meech: No particular reason

Mia: Yeah okay. So like why did you come here? Just to talk? You could've did that on the phone. I know you don't think we getting back together cause I'm over that

Meech: You over it?

Mia: Yeah Meech. I know I fucked up so many times when we were together and I apologize for that. But you left me with nothing and whose to say you won't do it again? I don't wanna keep starting over honey. I have a life here in Vegas and I'm content with that. I don't wanna be in a relationship with you anymore

Meech: You got kicked out on your ass because you kept being disloyal and not listening to me. So what you don't want me no more?

Mia: You know Meech. When I got kicked out on my ass. The days would go by so slow and all I could think about is maybe one day you'll be nice enough to take me back. So everyday I woke up with high hopes about it and every night I went to sleep disappointed and broken hearted. But the days turned into months and I started to realize I would be okay without you. It took some time to be okay but I did it

Meech: Mia I'm sorry for how things ended between us. I could've handled that better. I was just so angry and in love at the same time. I loved you and I wanted it to work so bad and every time it seemed like things were going good you would go and do something stupid. Now I blame myself to cause I let it go on for so long but the reality is you fucked it up for us

Mia: You don't think I know that? I lived with the guilt for so long Meech. I still live with it and you didn't want me no more so I had to find my own way. You shouldn't have come here Meech and I shouldn't be here with you right now

Mia got up from the table to walk away but Meech grabbed her arm. She looked at him with tears in her eyes. He grabbed her and held her into a hug. They hugged each other but then Mia broke the hug and walked out. But not before saying "you have a nice life Meech. It was good seeing you again but please don't ever come back here. We're better off apart". Meech stood there looking defeated as she walked out and left.

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