Hi Dad

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Hi everybody how you been? I myself have been good. As you can see my writers block has subsided and I'm so glad. I was ready to get back to writing. I hope everyone is staying safe out here and you checking on ya people. Okay well I've done enough talking for one day. Let's get into it. Good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

The next day Mia, Meech & Miyella get up early enough to eat breakfast and get ready to go. They were supposed to meet with Big Meech today for a visit. Meech got Miyella ready while Mia got herself together. Then when Mia was dressed she watched the baby while Meech got ready. The ride was 2 hours long and visiting hours were between 3-4pm. They left the house at 12 noon and made the trip to Lompac Prison. They got there in just enough time to get checked in and have a seat. Big Meech didn't know they were coming. They wanted to surprise him today and he was surprised. Lil' Meech hadn't been to see him since he told him he was going to get Mia back. That was a while ago and they hadn't kept in touch on the phone as of lately. Mia and Lil' Meech hugged Big Meech and they sat down for a visit. Big Meech grabbed Miyella and held her the whole visit.

Big Meech: So I see you got what you wanted son

Lil' Meech: That I did

Big Meech: So what did he have to do to get you to come back?

Mia: Um it's a long story honestly. I'd rather not talk about it

Big Meech: Ah okay being secretive I see

Mia: Yeah some stuff you just don't talk about

Big Meech: Son you wanna tell me?

Lil' Meech: Nah not really lol

Big Meech: Okay that's cool. Some stuff you don't wanna tell your dad I understand. So what y'all been up to since you been back?

Lil' Meech: I had a meeting with 50 about the direction season 3 will go. Other then that I just been chillin' and being a family man

Big Meech: A family man huh?

Lil' Meech: Yeah I been just watching over Mia and my little girl

Big Meech: Have you seen your mom since you been back?

Lil' Meech: No her and the family don't care for me right now

Big Meech: Yeah she told me about how she felt about the situation. I had to tell her this is your life and you grown. She still wasn't feeling it but she'll come around. You should reach out to her. I mean after all she is your mother

Lil' Meech: Yeah I know. I'm just not ready right now

Big Meech: Just don't wait for something to happen is all I'm saying

Lil' Meech: I know

Big Meech: Mia you need to do the same. I know how she made you feel but I think it's time for you to talk to her

Mia: Yeah I guess

Big Meech: I know she made you feel unworthy but she really is a loving person. She was just caught off guard by the whole getting raped by a gang member thing

Mia: Yeah well I needed support not to be judged. She doesn't know what it was like after what happened. All she cared about was the brand and how it made the family look. With all due respect dad I'm good

Big Meech: Mia don't be stubborn. Be the bigger person in the situation. You and my son need to go see my wife and talk to her

Mia: But dad

Big Meech: Mia your feelings are valid but it's time to heal that situation

Mia: No thanks dad. Hey Meech I think I'm gonna just wait in the car. I'll see you when you come out. See ya dad

Big Meech: Mia sit your ass down. You gotta stop running away. You wanna stay in this family don't you?

Mia: Dad all I need is you, Miyella & your son. Everybody else is irrelevant to me

Big Meech: Do you love having me as your dad?

Mia: Of course I do

Big Meech: So just do this for me. I know you don't wanna do it but do it for me

Mia looked away in disgust and shook her leg. A few tears fell from her eyes and she wiped them away.

Mia: Dad you don't know how bad she hurt me.  As if I didn't already feel bad for what happened to me. She just had to top it off with the ultimate insult. It wasn't my fault what happened to me. She just disowned me in front of everybody. I needed her to love me and embrace me not turn me away. My moms gone and I just needed a mothers touch. Yeah I know she was probably embarrassed by the situation but I was embarrassed to

Big Meech: Tell her that Mia

Mia sat with her head down and her leg shaking. The tears were uncontrollable at this moment. Lil' Meech grabbed her and embraced her by holding her.

Big Meech: I love you Mia and no matter what happens in life. You will always be my daughter and can't nobody take that away. Do you understand me?

Mia: Yes

Big Meech: Sometimes people don't know how to react to certain situations so they resort to the easiest response. They resort to anger to try to make the situation go away

Lil' Meech: Look at me Mia

Mia looked at Lil' Meech and he wiped her tears away. He gave her a few little kisses on her face.

Lil' Meech: It's gonna be okay. Do you believe me?

Mia: Yes

Lil' Meech: Okay then that's what it'll be. Hey dad I think we've had enough for one day

Big Meech: I agree. It was good to see y'all

Lil' Meech: You to dad. I love you dad

Big Meech: I love you to son. Mia you think about what I said

Mia: Okay dad

Mia and Lil' Meech give Big Meech a hug before they leave for home. They gather the baby up and they leave out the visiting area into the main lobby and then out the door. Meech strapped Miyella in her baby seat while Mia got in the car. He got in the car and they rode off for home.

Meech: You hungry? Food always makes you feel better

Mia: No I just wanna lay down and take a nap. I think that's the only thing that'll help me feel better right now

Meech: Okay baby

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