The Big Meeting

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New chapter love you. Good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

It was the next day and Mia had to get ready to go to the photo shoot. She asked Meech to come with her but he already had something he had to do. Secretly he was planning a get together so Mia could finally meet his mom and the rest of his family. He would have everybody there when Mia got home to surprise her. Then to he knew his father hadn't had a visit in a while. He had been so busy helping Mia and her sisters he didn't have time for much else. But it was one thing he knew and that was family is important. He was ready to marry Mia and he just wanted her to have his last name soon.

Mia rolled up to the photo shoot and security greeted her at the door. She told them who she was and they let her inside. When she got to the area she was supposed to be at she saw Game talking to the photographer with his daughter standing there.

The Game: Mia glad you could make it. This is my daughter Cali

Mia: Oh hi there. You're so pretty

Cali: Thank you

Mia: You're welcome. Um so Game where is my area? I need to set up and get started

The Game: Right this way

Mia: Oh this is nice. Okay Miss. Cali are you ready to get started?

Cali: Yes

Mia: Okay I'm gonna make you look beautiful

The Game: I really do appreciate this

Mia: It's no problem at all

So Mia did Cali's hair and make up. She made sure to not do too much with her face because she was still a kid and she didn't believe in making a little girl look like a grown woman before her time. In plus it was like she said. Cali was already pretty so why mess with that? The photo shoot was great and Juicy Couture said they would send Mia a copy of the magazine. Cali would be in a pictorial.

Mia: Alright well my work is done here. It was nice meeting you Cali and thank you for choosing me Game

The Game: I like what you did. Kim was right about you. Do you think you might wanna go out for some food with us?

Mia: Oh I don't know about that. I have to get to the salon and then home. I appreciate the offer though

The Game: Well maybe some other time

Mia: Only if I can bring my boyfriend

The Game: Oh you have a boyfriend?

Mia: Yes I do and I'm sure he's looking for me at the shop so I have to go. How would you like me to send the invoice?

The Game: No need for an invoice. I got you a check right here

Mia: Okay I appreciate it

The Game: Thank you. If I need you again I can come by the shop?

Mia: Or text me. Which ever one you prefer

The Game: Okay. See you around

Mia: Yeah sure

Mia left the photo shoot. When she got to her car she got a text notification. It was from Meech and he was wondering when she would be finished with the shoot. She text him that she had just finished and that she would be making her way to the shop to check on everybody.

The Text

Meech: No. I need you to come to the house real fast

Mia: Oh okay. Is everything alright honey?

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