Which Side Do I Chose?

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Hi gotta get ready for work but here's a new chapter. I love you and good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

Mia had finally met Big Meech and he was very welcoming. Momma Meech didn't know about their plans of getting married just yet. Lil' Meech called her on the phone.

Momma Meech: Hello

Meech: Hey mom

Momma Meech: Hey baby. How's everything going?

Meech: Everything is good. I took Mia to meet dad yesterday

Momma Meech: Oh you did?

Meech: Yeah

Momma Meech: So what happened? How'd it go?

Meech: Dad loves her. He was real cool and told her that he was her dad now lol

Momma Meech: Uh oh. He done adopted your girlfriend

Meech: Lol yeah. There's something I need to talk to you about

Momma Meech: Okay what's up son?

Meech: Mom I wanna marry Mia

Momma Meech: Wow. Meech I can appreciate that you wanna take the next step with Mia but I don't think that's a good idea right now. You're at the height of your career and you got so much going for yourself. Then to you're very young and she's very young. You both still have plenty of time for that in the future

Meech: But mom I love her and dad said he was cool with it

Momma Meech: Well at the end of the day your 21 years old and I can't tell you what to do. I can only advise you about things. I just don't think it's a good idea right now son. But you do what you want to do. I will support you regardless of what you decide to do. I just feel like if the love is real the marriage part could wait

Meech: Okay mom

Momma Meech: You sound upset with me

Meech: No I'm cool mom. I gotta go though so I'll talk to you later

Momma Meech: Okay I love you son

Meech: I love you to mom

Momma Meech: Alright bye

Meech: Bye mom

Damn Meech had a headache at this point. He thought his mom would be cool with him wanting to go and get married to Mia. I mean it's not like she said no but she didn't receive it well either. What was he gonna do? He really just had to think now cause he felt like if he went through with it right now he would be disappointing his mom. But on the other hand his dad was with it. He felt torn now. He needed to talk to Mia about it now. Meech called Mia on the phone. She was assignment at singer Mya's photo shoot.

Mia: Hello

Meech: Baby I need to talk to you

Mia: Honey I'm real busy right now. I'm at a photo shoot. I should be done in an hour. I'll call you back bye

Meech: Mi Mia. Hello. Shit

About two hours later Mia pooped up at the house. She didn't get out the car right away. She sat for a minute. She was so tired from the day because it was a lot going on at the shoot. I'm talking about hella make up changes between sets but hey she made a good amount of money today so she was happy. Five minutes later she got out the car and and walked up to the front door.  Meech must've heard her coming because before she was could open the door he turned the knob and opened it. He stood there and looked at Mia with sadness in his eyes. He wasn't crying he just wasn't happy. Mia took noticed ad she looked at him. She took her right hand and touched his face.

Mia: Baby you alright? Why you look like that?

Meech: We need to talk

Mia: Oh okay. Just let me come in and put my stuff down

Mia walked in and put her purse and make up stuff down. She sat on the couch in the living room and patted the seat for Meech to come sit next to her.

Mia: So what's got you so bothered honey? I don't like to see you like this

Meech: Baby I don't know how you gonna take this but I talked to my mom today

Mia: Okay

Meech: She says she doesn't think us getting married right now is a good idea

Mia: Foreal?

Meech: Yeah

Mia: Why honey?

Meech: She says we're young and we still have time. She thinks that because I'm doing great in my career that marriage could wait

Mia: Okay so she's not totally against it but she just doesn't think it should happen right now?

Meech: Right

Mia: So what do you think about it?

Meech: Honestly I feel stuck because my dad said he was with it and now when I talked to my mom she like not right now. I just need to think I guess

Mia: Okay well you know I'm not going anywhere so whatever you decide I'll be here with you. I mean I do wanna be your wife but not at the expense of you disappointing the people that were here before me. If that makes sense

Meech: Mia you know I love you right?

Mia: Yes

Meech: You know I wanna make you happy?

Mia: Yeah but love is a two way street.  I'm not the only person in this relationship. You gotta be happy to. I just don't want anyone to get hurt

Meech: Who would get hurt?

Mia: I mean feelings Meech. I don't want you to go against your family and then feel some type of way about it later. I love you and whatever you decide I'm with it. I'm your ride or die and that's just what it is. I mean I'm sure we will get married eventually right?

Meech: Yeah baby and even if you don't have my last name right now. You still a Flenory and my dad done already said that shit

Mia: Lol right. So why you over here looking all sad-n-shit? We're gonna be good. What you thought I wouldn't understand? You thought I was gonna be upset or something?

Meech: Yeah I did baby

Mia: Well cheer up honey. I'm fine and we're gonna be fine together. Marriage is just a piece of paper anyway lol

Meech: See that's why I love you. You understanding and you love me regardless of what we go through

Mia: At this point there's nothing we can't get through together. We done been through worse honey

Meech: True. I love you Pia Mia

Mia: I love you to Flenory lol

Meech: Lol

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