I'm Not Giving Up Pt. 2

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Chapter 32. Find out what happens next. Love you and good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

When Mia opened the door she saw all her old friends from Cali. She didn't know what to say or do so she just stood there and looked at everybody for a minute.

Debbie: Hey Mia surprise

Mia: Yeah it is a surprise. Everybody come in and have a seat

Meech was the last person to walk in and when Mia saw him she stared in disappointment. She told him never to come back and there he was walking into her house.

Mia: So um when did you get here?

Debbie: We got here late last night. Meech paid for everything

Mia: I bet he did

Mia looked at Mila and gave her a hug. She was glad to see her out of that coma and healthy again. She was glad to see all her sisters. She just didn't know what to do at that moment.

Mia: So what has everyone been up to?

Debbie: We're still working. Meech got us a new shop up the street from the old one

Mila: Me and CJ are having a baby in 8 months

Mia: Oh wow. I'm so happy for y'all. Congratulations. How you been Cassie?

Cassie: I'm good. How have you been sister?

Mia: I'm great actually. I have a new life and I'm happy

CJ: Es bueno verte Mia (it's good to see you Mia)

Mia: You to CJ. Larry, Nhale, Currensy. I see y'all are still hanging in there

Larry: Yeah Mia. We just keep going

Nhale: You looking good Mia. You been taking care of yourself?

Mia: You know I am

Currensy: You know it ain't been the same since you left

Mia: Aww come on now stop it

Meech: So you just not gonna acknowledge me Mia?

Mia: Meech you know what I told you before you left the first time. I don't know why you came back here

Debbie: Hey Meech how about you the guys come back later and pick us up. We wanna send some time with our sister

Meech: That's cool. Y'all we could go have some drinks and go sightseeing

The guys: I'm down

Meech: We'll come back around 5. Is that good?

Debbie: Yeah that's cool. Y'all good with that?

Cassie, Mila & Mariahlynn: Yeah that's cool. We could have some girl talk

CJ: Te veo despue's, carino (See you later baby)

Mila: Bueno (okay)

Cassie: Catch you later Larry

Larry: Okay sunshine. Have fun

Cassie: I will

Mariahlynn: Bye baby

Currensy: Aight shorty

Debbie: See you Meech

Meech: Aight catch y'all later. Bye Mia

Mia: Yeah bye

Debbie: So Mia what you got to drink?

Mia: I got some Kool-aid and water

Debbie: I'm talking about alcohol

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