The Kinda Surprise You Don't Want

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Hey everyone it's Monday here. I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. This chapter is super long. I just realized it but I hope you enjoy reading it. I love you and good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

Mia went back to working at the hair salon with her sisters. In the process her and her sisters hired a nail tech to join the team. Now they were a triple threat cause they had nails, hair & make up. Can't nobody fuck with them now.

Mia had tried to hide it but she wasn't feeling all that great. She tried to charge it to the fact that maybe she was still upset about the whole Juicy Couture thing or maybe it was something she ate. She had been feeling sick for a few days and she was throwing up. She didn't know if there was something seriously wrong so she went to the doctors. Come to find out Mia was 6 weeks pregnant. Usually this would be a happy occasion but she knew in the back of her mind that Meech wasn't the father. Her and Meech hadn't had sex since she's been back from her sudden abduction. So she knew there was only one conclusion to this situation. Her baby belong to one of the Denver Lanes that raped her and she didn't know which one. After all there was 6 of them that raped her. What was she gonna do? Go back to the Denver Lanes and say "hey I'm pregnant?". That was the furthest thing from her mind. She knew Meech would find out eventually but she just wasn't ready to say anything right now. She didn't know how to tell him cause when he asked her what happened she never mentioned the rape part. So how would that look for her to say it now?

Mia went home early because she just couldn't take it. She needed to lay down and get some rest and maybe that would help her to feel better. Meech wasn't home so she didn't have him to ask her what happened. Hopefully he would never find out she left early.

Meech had a business meeting with 50 Cent and some other people about the production of BMF season 3. He was sitting there listening for what seemed like hours. These meetings always ran long. 50 cent would ask Meech for some input on what direction he feels they should go for season 3 and he said he thought they should focus more on the incarceration part this season. They should get  more in-depth about it to help the audience understand what it was like in the early years of Big Meech's incarceration. 50 agreed and the meeting kept going on from there. After another hour the meeting was finally over and Meech couldn't wait to bounce up outta there. He was getting sleepy and needed a nap. He had been up late the night before trying to close this jewelry deal he wanted. Meech wanted to have his own line of watches. He loved watches and he knew so much about them he figured why not have his own? When Meech arrived home he went directly upstairs and noticed Mia was there sleeping. He wondered what was going on but he wasn't gonna wake her up to ask. Mia's been hella cranky lately and he just didn't wanna hear it right now. He was too tired to deal with it. He stripped down to his boxers and got in the bed and went to sleep.

Mia woke up an hour later to Meech laying right next to her. She didn't wanna wake him so she got up quietly and went into the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and put her head in her hands for a brief moment. Then she sat down and pee'd. When she was done she wiped herself and flushed the toilet. Then she washed her hands and did her oral routine that she always did. After she got out the bathroom she noticed Meech was up.

Meech: Baby what you doing home so early?

Mia: Uh I wasn't feeling well

Meech: Yeah I noticed you haven't been feeling well for a few days. You might wanna go get checked out

Mia: I did

Meech: And what did the doctor say?

Mia: It's a stomach bug that's all. They said the only thing I can do is just let it run it's course. I should be good in a couple days

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