Let's Go Home Pt. 1

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Hi everybody I hope all is well. I love you and here's another chapter for you. Good morning or good night wherever you are in the world.

Meech rode around all night to try to find Mia. He eventually found her and when She opened her eyes Meech was sitting in the front seat with her. He startled her at first but when she came to realize who it was she become calm.

Meech: Mia you know you don't have to live like this. Just come home with me and I'll take care of you like I always do

Mia: Meech shut the fuck up and get away from me

Meech: I can make this go away if you just come with me. You don't have to live like this. I mean come on think about the baby. She can't live in here like this. She's a baby and she deserves better then this. Just give me a chance to prove to you that I'm where you belong

Mia: Meech first off how'd you even get in here? I made sure all the doors were locked before I went to sleep last night

Meech: I pick locks and all that

Mia: I should've known

Meech: Mia come on please

Mia: Lol you know what's funny Meech? You come here and ruin my life for your own selfish needs and then you expect me to be cool with it

Meech: Oh hold up cause the last time I checked I never put a gun to your head and made you fuck me. You did that willingly so take some responsibility in the situation

Mia: I did that when I told Bibby about it

Mia started crying out of nowhere and her face frowned up. She was still holding Miyella on her arms. She held her tight as her tears fell onto the baby's head.

Mia: Oh my God. I can't believe what I did to Bibby. That man loved me and Miyella so much and we were happy. He was never supposed to find out

Meech: Come here

Mia leaned over and laid her head on Meech as he held her from the side. She cried and cried but then something came over her because she then remembered he was the reason her world was so fucked up now. She pushed him away in a rage all while screaming " THIS IS YOUR FAULT MEECH!!! YOU DID THIS!! WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST STAY AWAY?!!!!" She punched him in the arm and tried to push him away but he just grabbed her hands and held her.


Meech: I'm sorry Mia. I know I fucked up but I want you with me cause without you I'm not me

Mia looked at him with tears rolling down her face. She thought to herself "I have nothing to look forward to here so I guess I better go back to what I know".

Mia: Meech I'll go with you

Meech: Foreal?

Mia: Yeah but what about my car? I don't wanna leave this one behind

Meech: I'll get you a new car like I always do. This car is a bucket anyway. How you was with a nigga getting money and he got you riding around in this shit?

Mia: Meech I just wanted a car. I didn't care what kind it was

Meech: I see well what kind of car do you want now?

Mia: Whatever you wanna get me Meech. I don't care

Meech: Baby just tell me what kind of car you want?

Mia: I want lambo

Meech: A lamborghini?

Mia: Yeah with the butterfly doors on it

Meech: What color?

Mia: If you could get it custom made in the color turquoise

Meech: Turquoise? Why that color?

Mia: Turquoise is a pretty color

Meech: Okay I got you. You love me?

Mia: Meech I never stopped I just wanted the beat for you

Meech: And?

Mia: I now know that without you life is not the same. I just want you to know that I missed you so much

Meech: Damn Mia

Mia: Can we get out of here?

Meech: Yeah let's go home

Mia: Home where all my sisters are

Meech: I gotta order the jet but until then we can go stay at my hotel room. We'll probably be outta here tomorrow sometime

Mia: Okay babe

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