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the next few days went by quickly. everyone kept to them selves mainly. some doing research some trying to make sense of anything and others were trying to keep everyone else safe. Isaac had come back to town. he was yet to meet Theo and Liam. they distanced themselves from the pack. Liam spent more time with his family. he didn't know who would die so he even got closer to his dad. incase. Theo had thoughts swarming his brain.

What if Tara meant for them to see that vision. what if that was part of her plan. they were soon to find out anyway. it had been to quiet recently. regression to the mean. and as they expected Theo got a feeling. he wasn't sure what it was but he needed to go to the sheriffs station. he called Liam who answered immediately. the younger was out with his step dad. he said he would meet Theo at the sheriffs station. so Theo got in his truck and left for town.

Liam wasn't there yet. but it didn't take long for him to arrive.
"why here?"
"I don't know I just have a feeling." Liam nodded and they walked in. everything seemed normal. they walked into the back seeing if there was anything unusual. nothing. then a voice came from behind them.

"what are you boys doing? come, I need to talk to you." it was the sheriff. the boys followed him into his office.
"I need to know if this is worth telling the FBI and other agencies. I get they might not believe us but surely its worth a shot. its been too quiet recently. something big is going to happen."
"that's why were here I think. I've got this feeling we need to be here but I don't know why."

the doors of the department flew open. A small girl had come in running. she was crying. Theo and Liam heard the commotion and got out side. Theo rushed over to her. she just stood there, still, crying.
"its after me. why?" she then passed out. Theo held her in his arms looking at Liam alarmed. parrish came over and told Theo to bring her into the back until they could get her to a hospital. they had supplies in the back to help her.

Theo walked back into the main room. the sheriffs office was silent for a second.
"she's okay." everyone let out a breath when Theo spoke these words. Liam Theo the sheriff and parrish all went into the back where the girl lay. it was se quiet you could here a pin drop. but Theo and Liam heard something else.

"do you hear that?" Liam asked.
"sounds like.. a timer." Theo replied. it got faster.
"more like a bomb." everyone's eyes widened. stilinski left the room quickly to try and clear everyone out.
"there's no time."
"get down." parrish shouted. Theo was closed to the girl. he took the main hit of the explosion. saving her. it was placed in a strategic way that it would kill her. it fortunately failed. they were still all unconscious. when someone walked in.

"shame. thought that would kill her. oh well. you will just forget about her then." Tara put her hand to the back of Theos head and this time a purple aura left it. she removed his memories of the girl from the vision. then she left no one knowing she was there. but what she didn't know was Liam knew about the girl. and still had his memories fully intact.

Liam woke up first. Coughing trying to breathe.
"Theo? Theo?" Liam got up and searched through the rubbles. Finding Theo the girl and Parrish and laying them down on top of the destruction. He then went out to help everyone else up. The rest of the station was t hit so bad. Everyone left with minimal injuries.

Sheriff called the ambulance and a near by police department. The ambulance and fire fighters arrived quickly. The fire fighters were about to make their way in by someone stopped them.
"There's only 4 people left in there. One of them is getting them out and trust me he won't let you even near one of them." The sheriff spoke to them.

Liam came out with a limping Parrish and handed him over to some doctors. Then he went running back in. Someone tried to stop him.
"Kid it's too dangerous for you in there. That was a nasty explosion." Liam turned to him.
"I know I was near the center of it but I don't care. I'm going in there and getting them out because they are most important to me right now." Liam ran back into the back room.

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