Chapter TwentyOne - Winter Lodge

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*Emmie's pov*

"I'll be back soon, and don't move from that sofa Em!" Harry shouted closing the door as he set off on his way to the shop.

I rolled my eyes. He was really taking this no exercise business seriously!

As soon as I made sure he had gone down the path, I stood up and walked towards the kitchen to make some hot chocolate.

I boiled the kettle when I saw the door handle move. I ran and jumped onto the sofa, trying to act as casual as possible.

Harry entered the room smiling at me.

"I forgot my money." He stated.

I laughed loudly as he walked into the kitchen.

"Em." He said sternly, walking back into the room with his hand on his hips.

"How did the kettle boil?"

"It must be magic." I giggled as he raised his eyebrows at me.

I stood up as I jumped onto his back, holding him gently for support.

"I'm fine." I whispered into his ear as he wrapped his arms around me, tickling me until we fell onto the sofa.

His hair tickled my forehead as he leaned in for a kiss. Our lips touching slowly and long fully.

"Anyway I still have to get milk. And Em stay where you are, yeah?"

He pushed himself off me and walked away.

"Yes Harry." I said winking at him.

He grinned and walked towards the door.

"Oh and one more thing... I love you."

"Love you too." I said smiling as he closed the door behind him.

I loved this house, it's a house all the boys bought together, to get away from the world. It was still in London but fans didn't know about it . Me and Harry were staying here for a month.

Twenty five minutes later and the door bell rang. I hauled myself up and swung open the door, expecting a curly haired boy standing there.

Instead there was seven paparazzi staring at me with cold eyes.

One of them, short and fat with a small moustache, stepped towards me with his arm held out. I shook it, very confused.

"Miss Emalie Locke, we were wondering if we could have an exclusive interview with you about your relationship with Harry Styles?"

I smiled a little and shook my head politely.

"Sorry but I'd rather keep our relationship private, thank you."

"But we'd pay very well, and your name would be very high ranked in the media." He insisted.

"I've said no, sorry but do you really think I want fame? It's the last thing anyone would want."

I tried to close the door but they pulled it back.

"So you're saying harry hates the fame?" A woman said, scribbling notes onto a clipboard.

"No that's not what I meant-"

"But you said that -"

"No you're twisting my words! Please go."

I slammed the door and sat on the floor with my back leaning on the door.

"Is it harry fault about the drowning?"

"What do you think about your hate?"

"You don't deserve Harry!"

"Has Harry cheated on you?"

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