Chapter Eleven - So wrong but so right.

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If you want to, you can listen to I won't give up about half way through the chapter, it goes with it well x


I sat down in the front of the car as she gave me directions.

"Turn to the left." She said softly as she beamed at me.

"It was meant to be a surprise, but I can't drive...Sorry!" She called.

I shook my head and smiled a little. She was already cheering me up! The way her blonde hair fell onto her shoulders and the way her eyes glistened... I turned to face the road again, she was so beautiful! Josh is such a lucky guy.

"It's just up here." She said pointing towards the next street as I slowed down.

I changed the subject to what I really needed to know about.

"So Emmie...what's going on with Josh?" I tried to say as casually as possible.

" do you mean?" She asked a little awkwardly.

"Well, you know. Are you a couple?"

"No." She said quickly.

"I mean, he's great but we've only just started dating. And...its complicated."

"How come?"

"Well...I thought I liked...someone else and I'm...I'm just confused that's all."

Another person she liked that wasn't me. This was tearing me apart inside.

"How about your love life then?"

"It's non-existent."

Emalie's POV

Why does he keep lying about this girl? It hurts a lot to think that he's lying to my face for the first time in our friendship!

"We're here." I called, as I jumped out of the car after an awkward silence.

"Ice skating?" Harry questioned as he saw the ice rink. A smile spread across his face.

I nodded as we jogged into the dome and pulled some skates on.

"Emmie, if I were you, I'd wear knee pads." Harry warned me.

"I'm not that clumsy!" I protested as Harry raised his eyebrows at me.

"Okay, I am but if I fall, you'll be there to catch me...right?"

"I'm always here to catch you."

We clasped each other's hands as we waddled onto the ice. Slowly we took baby steps as we clung to the edge.

After about ten minutes of holding onto each other tightly, we decided to be brave and to skate to the middle. We wobbled about as we reached the centre of the rink. I slipped a little but Harry's secure arm wrapped around me and made sure I was safe. I smiled up at him as his picturesque dimples made me want to melt...

The rink was an outdoor one, and it was freezing! Luckily, I had a hat and ear muffs on to keep me from becoming an icicle. But it was still very cold!

I shivered faintly as Harry pulled me closer to him and gently rubbed my back.

"You're the best Haz."

"Nope, you are."

I laughed as he headed over to a slope.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"You seriously expect me to go down there?" I said staring at the huge ice slide.

He nodded and took my hand again.

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