Chapter Twelve - A hidden secret.

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Please check out my trailer, made by the amazing Nazzie22. >>>>>>>>>>>>.

We sat together on the grass with our fingers intertwined and me on his lap. I rested my head on Harry's shoulder.

"So what happens now?" I whispered as Harry stroked my hair.

"I don't know how the others will take it, at first they all wanted us to get together but now they think that Josh is better for you. They say that I'm a risk."

I turned to face him as we pressed our noses together. "I like taking risks Haz."

He smiled as he placed his lips to mine once more. The music in the background was still blaring. We gazed up at the stars.

"I don't want tonight to end; I just want to be with you."

I smiled before realising the consequences of our actions. "This is gonna kill Josh, isn't it."

"Well Em, it's not our fault that we're in love, and we can't exactly keep it a secret."

I smiled at him instantly, picturing an idea in my head.

"Emmie, no!" He said realising my hinting.

"Just for one week, until he's okay with me and him just being friends."

He paused for a moment before sighing and nodding. "One week."

I wrapped my arms around him tightly inhaling his soft vanilla scent. "I love you Harry."

He laughed and pulled me closer. "And I love you Emmie."

"Emalie, Harry?" Louis' voice called out from the entrance door. I jumped off Harry as I straightened my dress out. Harry jumped up beside me and tried to look casual.

"Oh there you are, have you made up yet?" Louis called as he jogged up to us in a knight suit.

Harry smiled a little. "Nope, we hate each other."

"Totally, I mean I can't even stand him." I confirmed as Harry disguised a giggle with a cough.

Louis raised his eyebrows and looked confused. "Oh...okay? Anyway, the fireworks start in five minutes so make sure you're out here when they start."

He began to walk away but then stopped and turned around.

"You two don't know where I can find any alcohol do you? Liam banned it so we stay sober for tonight."

"Nope, ask Niall. I'm sure he'll know where it is."

"Of course he will, he's Irish! I muttered quietly.

Louis nodded and then ran off, searching for his desired drinks. As soon as Louis turned the corner, Harry clasped my hand again as he pressed me against a nearby tree.

"How am I gonna keep away from you?"

"We'll find a way, don't worry it's only for a week. I promise."

"Mmm...well it's a good job you're worth it."

"Why thank you Styles, I wish I could say the same." He placed his hands on the trunk of the tree as they rested just above my shoulders.

He leaned closer. "You don't mean that." He whispered seductively.

I shrugged my shoulders innocently. "Don't I?" I said trying to prevent myself from bursting into laughter.

He lowered his hands onto my waist. As he squinted his eyes at me. I kissed him on the cheek before whispering into his ear.

"Of course you're worth it silly."

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