Chapter Twenty-five - time to tell the truth.

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"Emmie listen to me." She was shaking frantically. A mixture between the cold breeze outside and her fear. "I'm going to die, I'm going to die. I'm die?" She muttered over and over to herself. The boys stood silently in shock, staring at the snow covered ground.

"No Em, listen." I tried to plead.

"How dare you keep this from me. Who are you to decide to not tell me my own fate. " She screamed at me, her eyes now waterfalls.

My chest tightened. "Emmie love, come inside." Josh looked up at her, tears were staining his face. He held out his hand.

"No, Josh. I need to know, everything. Just tell me everything."

She looked so vulnerable. I'd never seen fear in her eyes like that. It was true fear, and it was all my fault. She was in hysterics, scared and shocked. I didn't know what to do. How could I justify myself now. "How did you expect me to tell you something like this when I can't even tell myself." I walked over to her but she stepped back, shaking her head through the tears.

"If it was the other way round Harry...if I had to lose you, you're right I would be in pieces. But I would never, ever, let you find out like this." For a moment the fear in her eyes turned to hatred as she spoke to me.

"I just couldn't do it, Em I'm so so sorry." I almost whispered.

"How." Her voice strained. It was one word, but we all knew what she was asking. "How."

She repeated, louder this time. "I don't think you want-"

"Don't lie to me Harry." She sniffled.  "Please please don't lie to me."

"Your heart... It's not very strong, the accident it-" I took a deep breath, trying to get my words out, over the tears.

"It damaged it. You need a heart transplant but there's a high chance we won't get one in time."

"We. You mean me. I'm the one who's dying, I'm the one who'll be all alone." She collapsed to her knees in the snow.

"No! You're not alone." Josh kneeled beside her.

"Emalie we're here with you every step of the way." Louis confirmed. All the boys were tearful but were trying to act strong for her.

"And we mean all of us, Em. We're not giving up yet." I said so confidently, I almost gave myself a tiny glimmer of hope.

"We have no choice. I'm eighteen and I'm going to die. I'm never going to get married, or learn how to drive or even get to have a child of my own someday. This is it for me, I just know it." She bawled into her hands as she curled up into her knees.

"Hey, don't talk like that. You think I'm gonna let ya leave?" Niall said. I've never really seen Niall cry. It honestly broke my heart.

"It's all my fault, if I hadn't have gone swimming..." I could hear Zayn crying almost silently.

"We have a year and a half give or take. We've not lost yet, I will never give up on you."

"A year and a half?" She cried even heavier than I thought was possible.

"Jesus Christ, we thought you meant at least ten years." One of the boys said. My emotions were so heightened, I didn't even register who the voice was from.

"Lads lets go inside, yeah." Liam said, drying his eyes and brushing the crying group of boys into the cabin. Josh remained sat beside her, crying silently. He rubbed her back gently before standing up to leave.

"No, Josh stay. Please." She asked as he turned around and nodded.

"I'm so sorry." I cried as I ran inside.

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