Chapter Two - Late again.

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I stare at the street. It's full of people and cars, yet to me it's never felt so empty. I sigh and feel so confused. I had just learned to accept that Harry wasn't coming back and now he does...I just don't understand it!

I place my hands around the warm cappuccino, letting its heat engulf my chilly body. A small breeze whispers through the air, as I hurry round the corner of the street towards my house. Well, I say house but what I really mean is a three room flat.

I unlock the door and nearly drop my drink as I trip over the step. Yes, the step that has been there for three years, yet I always fall over it...yup, what can I say, I'm clumsy!

"Oww." I cry as I regain my balance and walk in carefully through the door. By now, I'll be honest I was feeling very sorry for myself so I did what any eighteen year old would do; I introduced myself to Mr Ben and Jerry.

I collapsed onto the wine coloured sofa, as I placed my spoon into the tub of ice cream. It was chocolate my favourite; it was Harry's too. We used to fight over it all the time.

I smiled to myself recalling some perfect memories. Life wasn't always bad; in fact it used to be great...


"Em, come on Harry's waiting for you."

My aunt called from the kitchen.


I shouted as I placed my heaving leather satchel over my shoulder. I jogged down the stairs, and ran into the kitchen as I kissed her on the cheek.

"Love you."

I called as I swung open the door to find Harry.

He smiled and walked beside me on the left. We had to wear uniform for this school but me and Harry usually personalised it a little (bracelets, badges, the whole lot). On my wrist I wore our friendship bracelet, we both had one. Mine was purple and Harry's was green. Some people made fun of us, but we didn't care, we had each other and that was all we needed.

We walked into our form room, as everyone turned to face us. The teacher tutted ignorantly and glared at us. I glanced at the clock, realising that we were fifteen minutes late. She raised her eyebrows, obviously expecting some sort of apology and excuse.

"Miss Locke and Mr Styles, where have you been?"

Her voice was getting angrier. Well, we were on time but Harry was hungry and wanted to buy some tacos. I thought to myself.

I racked my brain quickly.

"We were talking to Mrs Partridge."

I said as I slumped my bag onto the desk and sat down. Harry nodded intently as he sat beside me.


I smiled victoriously to myself, that shut her up! She grabbed the register off her desk and began to read aloud our names. Mrs Partridge was the food technology teacher. She was one of those teachers who didn't really have a clue what she was doing, so basically if you needed an excuse, mention her.

"Good save." Harry murmured before answering to his name.

"Yes miss."

I rolled my eyes as some of the girls were whispering and giggling amongst themselves. I heard the word 'Harry' mentioned a couple of times. Let's just say that he has a way with the ladies!

But he hasn't dated anyone since last year. He arranged a surprise picnic and waited hours for this one girl and she never turned up. But as usual I was there to pick up the pieces, just like he always does for me.

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