Chapter Thirteen - Team Stripes.

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I threw my coat on as I crept out of the flat. Around the complex were a series of gates leading out of the property. I pressed the exit button on the gates, as they opened slowly. Today, there weren't many fans here, so I managed to escape through the crowd un-noticed.

As I walked down the street, I didn't really have much to do, so I did something Louis would be proud of; I went to Starbucks! I walked in and ordered some drinks for everyone.

A man dressed smartly in a green apron and white shirt, called out the names; "Emalie Locke, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Josh Devine, Niall-"

"Shh!" I shouted as I ran up to him and grabbed the drinks. Many excited faces turned to face me as I scooped up the drinks in my arms and walked towards the exit. Funnily enough, the clumsiest girl in the world clutching seven hot drinks isn't the cleverest idea in the world!

"OHMYGOD EMALIE!!!!!" Several apparent fans, circled the exit doors.

"Is it really you?" One questioned me as they gawped at me.

"Yup." I said a little bewildered.

"I'm going to cry. I'm actually going to cry!" One fan cried out as she clapped her hands excitedly.

I stopped confused, struggling with the weight of seven cups in my arms.

"Why love?"

She rolled her eyes as the other snorted. "Because, you're Emalie Locke! Harry Styles best friend."

"Or are you more?" She said raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Erm no, Harry's mine!" One girl with a small black bob shouted, barging her way to the front of the crowd.

"It's nice to meet you, but I kinda have to go." I said showing them the coffees.

I started to walk away but they jogged after me.

"Wait, sign this...please!"

"I'm sorry but I'm not even famous. Please, I don't want to use Harry's fame."

"Well how about a picture?"

"Erm...okay sure." I said reluctantly, but wanting to be kind.

Several cameras were thrown into my face as I smiled politely. It was lovely meeting fans, but it was nine AM and I had no makeup on and a bed head!

After twenty minutes of mindless conversation, I managed to take home seven now cold drinks.

"I'm home!" I called out as I managed to close the door with my elbow and ditched the drinks onto the table containing Zayn's hair products.

Niall was in the kitchen eating some waffles and Liam was doing a twit cam.

"Oh Emalie say hi." He shouted as he spotted me in the door way.

I popped my head in front of the computer screen and waved awkwardly.


I then ducked and walked into the living room to find Harry, Josh, Zayn and Lou racing each other on the Wii. I leaned on the door, observing them amusingly.

Louis screamed out loud in joy, presumably he was the winner! Harry ducked his head in his hands as Louis cheered and rubbed his victory in the other's faces. Zayn and Josh laughed at Louis' hyper-activeness.

"I'm back." I repeated loudly as they all turned around slowly.

"Emmie!" Harry beamed as the others smiled at me.

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