Chapter Six - The big race.

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"Thanks Anne." I shouted as I placed mine and Harry's plates in the sink. She always made amazing home cooked pies. And we were glad to test them...

I pulled my navy coat off the coat rack as I went to find my clothes. I walked into the kitchen, to find them piled up on the worktop. I smiled to myself; Anne is one of the nicest people I know. I now know why Harry is...well I was going to say normal but I wouldn't exactly use that word!

I pick the clothes up and turn to walk out the door when Harry suddenly appears in the doorway. He smiles and then looks at my clothes.

"You're not leaving already, are you?" His smile now turns to a frown.

"Well, I was planning on it."

"Can't you stay for just a bit longer?"He says as he gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Harry, I need to go to work."

"What at this time of night!"

"Beggars can't be choosers Haz."

I say as I try to walk past him. He stands in front of me, blocking the doorway.

"Call in sick, pleaseeeeee!"

"Harry, I can't okay."

He snatched my clothes out of my hand and held them under the tap, threatening to turn it on.

"Harry, don't you dare!" He smiled evilly.

"Will you stay then?" I hesitated for a moment but as his fingertips brushed the tap, I had no choice.


I sighed as I dialled the diner. They won't be happy with this. Not at all...

Harry's Pov.

She walked out of the room to phone her boss. I sat on my bed and smiled to myself over the fact that I now have my best friend back. She was exactly the same as she used to be. Her blonde silky hair rested on her shoulders and her blue eyes were warm and inviting.

The only thing that had changed was her defensiveness. I could tell that she wasn't letting me in completely. I had hurt her BIG TIME by leaving her and I regret it every day. But I couldn't stay. I wouldn't have been that selfish as to let her be hurt like that. But now I guess everything is different, except one thing. I will never tell her though...I've tried so many times but the words never come out. No, I won't tell her.

I look up as she walks back into the room. She smiles at me as she puts her phone down.

"They believed me."

She glances around my room and her face lights up when she sees a framed picture on my wall.

I haul myself up and stand beside her as I realise what it was.

"Our prom." She says as she stares at the photo of us in our smart clothes.

"That was a great night wasn't it." I commented as memories flooded back. "

It was fun going together." I add.

She turns around quickly.

"We didn't exactly go together though did we? I got stood up and you decided to cheer me up by being my date."

I laughed as I placed an arm around her.

"I liked going with you."

She raises her eyebrows and gives me her famous eye rolling look.

"No you didn't." She laughs again.

"You were asked by loads of girls and yet instead you felt forced to go with me. Sorry if I ruined your night."

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