Chapter Fifteen - Shopping, shopping and more shopping.

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"I love you." I heard someone whisper as they pressed their lips gently to my forehead. I rubbed my eyes slowly and sat up in my bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked the curly head boy smiling in front of me.

"I have an interview today love, oh and I invited Paige and Dani round. I thought you needed some girl time."

"Aww thanks babe." I said wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him tightly.

"Harold come on we're gonna be late!" Louis shouted waltzing into the room and practically dragging Harry away.

"Bye Em!" He screamed as he was pulled through the door.

I smiled to myself as I sat down on my bed, and wrapped Harry's Jack Wills jacket around my shoulders, inhaling his vanilla scent.

"We're stopping off for breakfast right?" An irish voice called from the living room.

"Niall, you've had breakfast!" Liam said as he tried to get everyone out of the flat.

"That was ages ago!"

"No Ni it was twenty minutes ago." Zayn smirked as I stood in the doorway observing them.

Ten minutes later and they had left in one piece; how Paul copes is a mystery!

As soon as I had got dressed, I heard a light knock at the door. Sure enough, Paige and Dani were outside waiting. I swung it open as they both went in for a hug. I placed my arms around them as we complimented each other's outfits.

They sat on the sofa as we laughed through an episode of friends. As it finished they both looked at each other and smiled.

"So has he asked you yet?" Dani asked looking her usual radiant self.

"Asked me what?" I questioned a little confused.

"To be his girlfriend." Paige said, pushing one of her brown waves behind her ear.

" he hasn't." I said awkwardly.

"Don't worry babe, he will. Trust me, we can tell how much he likes you."

"Thanks, but I'm not sure if he will."

"How come love?" Paige questioned, her smile slowly fading.

"Well he is Harry Styles. The Harry Styles! He could have anyone; I just don't see why he'd settle with me."

"Because you're perfect for each other, and everyone knows it!"

I blushed a little as they giggled at me.

My phone then vibrated.

'Fancy going to the cinema and a dinner date tonight, 8pm?'

H xxx

I smiled broadly to myself as Paige and Dani peered over my shoulder and clapped excitedly.

I texted back immediately.

'I'd love to babe. See you then'

Em xxx

I turned to see the girls grinning and staring at me expectantly.

"What?" I questioned.

"It's time for some shopping!"

Four hours, twelve shopping bags, and three Starbucks later and we collapsed onto the sofa.

I gazed at the shopping bags and burst into laughter.


"What? This was only a small shopping trip for us."

Behind the Curls (Harry Styles, One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now