Sans Bio (Updated)

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--Character Info--

Name: Sans (Amongst friends and family) Classic (Among his AUs)

Looks: (just sans)

Origins: You should know from the first bio

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Origins: You should know from the first bio.

Personality: Sans is a very lazy and pessimistic person in nature, usually content with the bare minimum as long as Papyrus is happy and fine. Though, thanks to Sona and Kuroka, he be getting happier lately, even if he feels distant at times. Usually jokes around to hide many things, or to bring the mood up.  Still hates the Gremory group. He only helps out of gratitude to Sirzechs for what he's done for him and his bro, along with being there for the sake of Asia and Issei.

Likes: He really likes junk food, not really having the most sophisticated food pallet, mostly derived from having to eat anything back in the streets. He especially likes hotdogs and ketchup the most, but he'll eat other things such as crappy Lunchables pizzas. All ingredients individual and uncooked. He also likes the cold, reminding him of Snowdin back when they were still with the monsters. He also likes making jokes and pranks, though all of it is harmless, being able to defuse tense situations that way. He also likes wearing his unzipped jacket, and when given the chance, he'll walk around shirtless but with the jacket to feel colder. Apart from all that, he likes being with Papyrus the most, though Kuroka and Sona are right behind.

Dislikes: He doesn't have many dislikes despite being pessimistic, but if he had to choose, it would be the Gremory group. Despite his friendliness towards them, after the betrayal, he had hate inside him that he was taught to control for the better than to lash out. That, and his brother. Another dislike of his is seeing his family or loved ones hurt, seeing as he hasn't ever had much family, and fears losing them because of others. Other than that, he doesn't like people trying to push towards him romantically, but that was how he got a girlfriend, so meh.


Magic Eye: Having the traits of integrity and justice, Sans' eye reflects that along with their behavior. With this eye, Sans can see through someone's person and judge them accordingly. With integrity, he is very calm most of the time and is a very morally correct and analytical person. With Justice, he is very morally high, being non-biased and true to himself. This makes him a very trustworthy person, along with making him great in combat.

Update: With training assigned to him by 404, he had learned to harness his hatred to make a new form. This form makes electricity surround him, yellow, blue, and pink, making two doubles while upgrading every physical stat. He is still new at using it, so whenever he finishes using it, he collapses from magic exhaustion.

KR: Thanks to his traits, he developed a "rule-breaking" type of effect that works on all living organisms. KR, or Karmic Retribution, is something that combines soul manipulation along with the Magic Eye that makes attacks deadlier by reflecting any sins and damage you've done continuously like a sort of poison or ache around the body. This cannot kill by itself, but it is something deadly and strong, even if you don't have any sins. 

Update: Through training, he has made the pains much sharper. Nothing much can be trained in terms of KARMA.

Bone Magic: This allows the user to make bone attacks that can be used in short bursts or long, sophisticated patterns, depending on the amount of magic someone can use. The size and shape depend on the amount of magic used.

Update: Sans had been trained by 404 and another "friend," had improved drastically at using bone magic. He can even make very complicated structures or "bodies" if he ever has to fight things outside what his physical body can do.

Soul Manipulation (Blue): Using the soul trait of integrity, Sans can make your soul blue. This gives a sort of clutched feeling to one's chest and increases gravity, also disabling any flight-based abilities, be it winged/natural or not. Sans can freely manipulate how gravity affects a person, making it easy to make or close distance. If he slams you hard enough, you can take major damage.

Update: Through extensive training of his own, he can use it on things with no soul. While not a master like 404, he's still decently good with it.

Gaster Blasters: Sans summon dragon-like skulls that shoot energy beams toward their target nearly instantaneously. The size and width of the blaster depend on how much magic is poured into them. They can also double as a shield.

Update: With training, he is now able to construct several dragons with no trouble, being able to match up to actual dragons from his AU.

Space/Time Magic: Combining both sets of magic, Sans can do a variety of things such as teleporting people, himself, and other objects. This also allows him to break the laws of nature such as being able to clip through walls, go through time and space (time stopping), and other things. Best magic to prank people with.

Update: He hasn't really worked on this much, but he is better at using his magic to accelerate himself and slow others around him.

Thunder Manipulation: Using his hate and a...special gift from a "friend," he can control thunder using his own magic. He can make violent thunder storms in the area around him, along with coating thunder around his bones, blasters, and weapons. Continuous hits from his thunder can numb a person of their senses and cause muscle spasms.

Random Facts:

-Doesn't know who his "Frisk" figure is and wonders about how she would look like in his universe.

-4th Wall Awareness


-He can sense loads and resets in other AUs, but he can't remember the ones in his specific AU. He only feels deja vu like everyone else, though his feeling is a bit clearer.

-Besties with his Fell counterpart, much to the dislike of Shift since she considers herself his bestie/future wife (against his will)

-Doesn't know how Fell has a meaningful relationship with his Kuroka. He feels happy for them though.

-Casual anime enjoyer

-Is aware of his own Geno. Well, know he exists at least.

-Big brain(?) I mean, he does have a lab and shit...

-Likes cats, acts like a cat (mostly), owns a cat(?)

-One time stumbled upon a different Fell counterpart letting a female Fell Papyrus ride him. He has never been the same since.

-Trust me, he is traumatized.

-Surprisingly is good at rhythm games.

-Has met Fell! Rias. A stuck-up brat, but surprisingly sensitive when yelled at.

-still a virgin (that one chapter doesn't count and the "doing Kuroka raw" joke is a joke)

Overall. sans. sans the skeleton.

(Discontinued, being Retconned) Judgemental (Betrayed Sans x High school DxD)Where stories live. Discover now