We're On A Cereal Box!

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Tibbles pulled a cloth off a box. It was an over sized box of Wheaties with is on it.

"Hey y'all that us." Dwayne said.

"Duh, we know." Fulton said.

Andrew patted his back.

"Today its a Wheaties box. Tomorrow its video games, action figures, lunch boxes, the sky is the limit. Now just to make sure everyone knows who you are, try on one of these." Tibbles said.

He held up a blue jersey that said U.S.A on it.

"Fulton here you go. Coach."

We all got up and grabbed our jerseys. I grabbed Guy's and handed it to him. I looked over and saw Charlie looked upset. I walked over and sat beside him.

"You okay?" I asked.

"It's just, we're the Ducks. This stuff says Hendrix all over it."

"Well we are playing for USA. We can't be the Ducks."

Charlie shrugged. I sighed, standing up and walking back over to Guy and Adam, both of who were excited about the new jersey's.

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