01: A newfound hope

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TW: Anxiety attack

"What kind of vision is that?! Are you saying that I will be alone, single forever?"

"N-no, sir, y-y-you are mistak-"

"Forget it! You're always trouble. I should've never asked for this in the first place."

As the raging man stormed out of the sand-filled room, he left a speechless and sorrowful Bruno sitting on the ground.

It had always been like this from the start.

Ever since Bruno Madrigal got his gift of precognition, he had to endure all of the negative reactions to unwanted futures.

Although his twin sisters, Pepa and Julieta, tried to console him, the pain never ceased to haunt him like nightmares in the dark of the night.

He always wondered if he would ever be good enough for his family, and for the Encanto. The village that he lived in and adored.

Abuela Alma, their mother, expected better from him. From the time he was but a young boy of five until now, her expectations weighed on him heavily, suffocating him of genuine happiness.

Tears started to fall from Bruno's emerald eyes, one after another. His trembling hands were still holding onto the slab of jade green glass.

He shakily stood up and threw the slab to a small mountain of other similar slabs, each having a different bad vision. Walking down his tower of stairs, his mind started to drown with the insults he had received over the past decades.

(Bruno's POV)

Seeing no one around as I opened the door of my room, I sneaked out of the Casita with my hood on and walked outside for some fresh air. As I was walking, I heard whispers all around me, coming from the townspeople.

My shoulders tensed up as I quickened my pace.

I knew what they were thinking, and I knew what they were mumbling about because I'm Bruno and everyone assumes the worst from me. Mama does, Pepa does, heck, even Julieta doubts me sometimes.

As I went further away from Casita, more and more people stared at me. When I walked past the townspeople, I heard them whispering about me while they pierced me with their deathly stares.

I couldn't stand it any longer, so I hid myself from them, making my way towards the mountains surrounding the Encanto. They looked so calming and quiet, and because no one really goes inside the forest, I went there to have my own space.

I found a fairly large boulder and sat down on it, with my body quivering.

Is this all what my life is for?

To be blamed for the future that I have no control over?

I couldn't help but weep uncontrollably as I burrowed my face into my hands. I screamed, and I knew no one heard me, since I was so deep inside the forest.

(No one's POV)
After Bruno's heart-wrenching cry, he heard something peculiar, something that wasn't supposed to be heard in the forest.

As he listened closely, the noise was revealed to be similar to the cry of an infant.

"No, no, it must be my imagination." he thought out loud as he wiped his tears away.

"How can new mothers possibly go so deep into this massive forest?" He chuckled to himself, thinking that he must be insane.

But it was not a hallucination. The crying came again, coming from somewhere in the forest.

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