Chapter one

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Today was just a normal day for Norma Sharpe. She woke up, made breakfast, and read a book.

Norma lived alone for the past two years. Her mother and father went on a trip to Budapest, Hungary, but they never returned. The police didn't know what happened and assumed they were dead, but Norma thought otherwise. that's why she was reading. She was reading a book about spy work. She wanted to learn everything there was to learn about it. Her goal was to find her parents since the police weren't doing anything. Her parents were the closest thing to her; and without them, she was nothing.

At 11:00 am Norma decided that she had read enough for one day, and got ready to exit her house so she could go for a walk in the park. Once she got her shoes on she left the house and started walking towards the park.

As she was walking, Norma heard grunts coming from an alley nearby. She decided to go check it out and see what was going on. Once she got there, she saw a short man who looked about 25 getting beat up by two larger guys. She wasn't very strong, so she knew she couldn't do anything about it. She felt horrible for the poor guy. Then, out of nowhere, another guy showed up. This time he was larger than the two other guys. They seemed intimidated by him and ran off.

The other two guys started walking away when they noticed Norma watching. They came up to her to see why she was staring. "Hey, is everything ok?" said the shorter guy. "Oh, yes, I'm completely fine," Norma responded. "I'm Steve, and this is Bucky. What's your name?" "I'm Norma. nice to meet you." she said "How's your nose? That looks painful," "Oh, it's fine." said Steve, clearly not enjoying where this was going. Norma caught on and changed the subject. "Would you two boys like to go to the park with me? It seems like you could use the company" she stated, jokingly raising her eyebrows. "Sure," said Steve, surprised but thrilled by the invitation.

All three of them walked to the park together and found out they had a lot in common. "Would you like to go to the carnival with us next week? It's supposed to be fun from what I've heard." said Steve "Why not? it's not like I have anyone else to hang out with" Norma joked. both the boys looked at each other, confused, but didn't ask her about it. "Well, I should get going. I'll see you at the carnival right?" Norma asked. "You bet," said Bucky. And off she went.


Ok, so that's the end of the first chapter. I'm just now realizing how bad my writing is lol. The chapter is pretty short but I'm sure I'll make longer ones.

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