Chapter Fifteen

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It was morning, yet again, and Norma had just woken up with the worst headache.

She was in her bed at the base, thankfully. 

She vaguely remembered stumbling into the room while everyone was asleep, and trying to be as quiet as possible as to not wake them up. 

She got up from her bed, slowly, and realized that everyone was probably at training. She didn't understand why they didn't wake her up, until she realized... today was her mission!!! 

She quickly fumbled through her bag, looking for her pocket watch, and when she found it she finally saw the time; 11:00 am! Her mission started at 11:30! 

She practically jumped out of her bed and ran to the washroom to brush her teeth, hair and get dressed. When she was done, it was already 11:15. She swiftly slipped on her shoes and ran to the captains office. 

When she got there she burst through the door to see a worried looking Steve and Mrs. Carter.

"Norma! What took you so long? Where were you last night? We thought you might not show." Said Steve, practically yelling. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me last night." said Norma. She then turned to Mrs. Carter and awkwardly asked "do you have a pain killer by chance? I must have drank a bit too much yesterday.." "My god, Norma! have you no decency?" asked Peggy with an exaggerated sigh. Peggy eventually gave her a pain killer but she was not happy at all with Norma's 'behavior'. 

Ten minutes later captain Bowman walked in. "I hope you're ready for the mission." he said sternly. "Yes sir!" said Steve. The captain looked to Norma, waiting for her sign of approval. "Oh, yes! Ready as ever!" said Norma. 

Once they arrived at the HYDRAS plane garage they sat behind one of the mini-planes and went over the mission one last time. Once they were ready, Norma and Steve snuck into the plane and the captain and Mrs. carter went back to the base to give them orders if needed. 

"Norma! I can't believe we finally have an actual mission!" "I know! maybe now we'll finally be respected by the captain" Norma said jokingly. 

"Alright, Norma, we have to remove the tracking device that HYDRA has in the plane without being detected. then we can fly it back to the base." said Steve. 

Once they finished hacking the device, they started flying the plane. "I can't believe we're actually doing it Norma! this is all I've ever wanted to do; Help my country!" said Steve. Norma was so happy for him. She knew this was his dream for as long as he's lived. 

Norma turned on the coms. "Captain? Mrs. Carter? can you hear me?" she said. "Norma! Yes, we hear you." She heard Peggy say. 

All was going smoothly, until Steve heard something. "Norma? do you hear that beeping?" he asked. Norma listened for a bit, and then she heard it. She went to the back of the plane to try and find the source of the beeping, and what she found made her heart sink. a bomb! and a big one! 

"Steve! It's a bomb! we have to get out!" yelled Norma. "A bomb?!" She heard Mrs. Carter yell through the coms. "Steve, Norma, you have to get out of there now! check for parachutes." she said desperately. Norma checked for parachutes, but there was only one. 

"Steve.. there's only one parachute." said Norma in a terrified tone. "You should take it, Steve. I'll figure something out." said Norma, even though she knew that she wouldn't make it out of this if Steve took the parachute. 

Just as she said that, she heard captain Bowman through the radio coms. "Norma, this is captain Bowman." "if you stay on that plane, you don't have a chance. we have a transportation plane on it's way right now. You don't know how to fly a plane, Steve does. get out of there. Steve will be alright." he said. Norma immediately felt the relief wash over her. Steve would be alright! 

She put on the parachute and gave Steve a hug. "Be careful, Steve. you heard what the captain said; there's a transportation plane coming to get you. you'll be alright!" she said. Steve hugged her back and smiled. "see you soon, Norma." he said. 

Norma jumped off the plane and gave Steve one last glance. 

Norma didn't have a form of communication anymore, so she had no idea what was going on inside the plane. all she saw was snow, and the plane. she didn't hear another engine yet, though. but she knew that another plane would come to help Steve soon, or so she thought... 

As Steve was steering the plane, he asked the captain when the transportation plane would be getting there, sense he didn't exactly know when the bomb would go off. "Steve, I have to inform you of something." said the captain in a sad tone. and all of a sudden Steve knew what he was going to say. He would tell him that there isn't actually a transportation plane, and that all he said was to get Norma off the plane. he knew that it was more of a blow to lose a woman than a man, and he respected the captains decision. "You don't have to tell me, captain." said Steve. The captain let out a sad sigh. "Mrs. Carter would like to speak to you." said the captain. "transfer her to me." said Steve. "Hey Steve..." said Peggy softly. "There's not gonna be a safe landing, but I can try and force it down." said Steve. "I'll-I'll get Howard on the line. He'll know what to do." Said Peggy desperately. "There's not enough time. This thing's moving too fast and it's heading for New York. I gotta put her in the water." "Please don't do this. W-we have time. We can work it out." Peggy cried. "Right now I'm in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer a lot of people are gonna die. Peggy, this is my choice." said Steve sadly. "Peggy..." Said Steve, almost apologetically. "I'm here." Said Peggy through tears. "I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance." Said Steve. They had planned to go on a date the night before.  "All right. A week next Saturday at The Stork Club." Said Peggy with a light smile.  "You've got it." Steve said, with a smile, as well. "Eight o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Understood?" She said. "You know, I still don't know how to dance." Said Steve in a joking manner. "I'll show you how. Just be there." Said Peggy hopefully, although she knew he wouldn't make it. "We'll have the band play something slow." Steve said as he tilted the plane to go into the freezing water. "I'd hate to step on your-"... and suddenly, the radio went static. "Steve?... Steve?" Sobbed Peggy. "Steve?" 


Another chapter done!!! I tried making this emotional but I don't think I succeeded... 

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