Chapter Ten

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Norma and Steve's night was restless. they had stayed up all night devising a plan together. they snuck into the Captain's office earlier that night and took a map which had the location of the soldiers on it. they figured out that the name of the facility in which the soldiers were stuck in was "Hydra". 

they did some research on Hydra with the books they had taken from the Captain's library. they found the specific place the soldiers were being held. an made a plan on how to get in and out without being noticed.

all that in 8 hours. to say they were exhausted was an understatement. but they couldn't let their friend die.

morning finally came and as soon as the sun came out they practically ran to the Captain's office.

he was surprisingly actually awake.

they showed him the plan, and although he was pissed that they had stolen from him, he still agreed.

he let agent Carter know and she insisted on joining.

*time skip to after the rescue of the soldiers*

everyone had started treating Rose and Steve with more respect after the rescue mission. even Peggy Carter if that's possible.

Norma was currently reading one of her crime books. she was trying to see if she could solve the mystery before the book solves it for her. the answer was on the tip of her tongue but she just couldn't figure it out!

she decided that she had read enough for one day, and put her book down.

she still hadn't gotten anywhere with finding her parents. but she knew she'd figure something out eventually.

she set her book aside and went to sleep. she hadn't slept for over 24 hours seeing as she'd stayed up all night last night, so she was exhausted.


and that's the end of yet another short chapter! I'm so sorry about the writing. I don't know what's gotten in me. I'm also sorry about the rush in the book. I'm trying to finish it as quickly as possible so I can move on to a different one.

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