Chapter Fourteen

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It was evening, and Norma was getting ready for dinner at the bar where she would meet with Steve and Peggy.

she decided that she'd wear her dark blue dress. it wasn't too revealing, but it showed some skin.

once she finished looking at herself in the mirror she went to get Steve.

Steve had told her how excited he was for dinner, and since Peggy would be there she'd most definitely be bored out of her mind. Steve and Peggy would most likely be talking the entire time and she'd just drink some beer. but, she couldn't be sure of that yet, and it would be a good opportunity for her to meet someone new, and maybe make her social status a bit more lively.

as she was walking to go get Steve from the men's changing rooms, it suddenly hit her that tomorrow would be her biggest mission yet. if she succeeded she would be much better respected.

as her thoughts were spiralling, she didn't even realize that she had gone past Steve and her's meetup spot, and that she was walking straight towards miss Carter's office. once she got there she realized where she was and mentally cursed herself.

just as she was leaving to actually go get Steve, someone opened the door.

it was Peggy, of course. wearing the most beautiful red dress Norma had ever seen. it fit Peggy perfectly, and showed off every curve in her body.

"uhm?" coughed Peggy, with a slight smirk. "oh! sorry ma'am, I seem to have zoned out for a second there" said Norma with an awkward chuckle. "oh, it's quite alright. where's Steve?" asked Peggy. "I was just about to get him..." Norma responded, awkwardly, yet again.

Peggy wanted to ask her how she ended up wandering to her office, seeing as her office was way past Norma's and Steve's area, but she decided not to because Norma already seemed quite embarrassed.

"well then, shall we?" said Peggy, trying to rid herself of any more awkwardness. "yeah, sure, let's go." said Norma.

once they had gotten to the meeting point with Steve, he was already waiting for them. he didn't expect Peggy to be there yet, but boy, was he happy to see her. his thoughts were the same as Norma's; the dress.

"wow" he mumbled. Peggy pretended not to notice but Norma swore could see a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

fast forward half an hour, they were at the bar, and it was quite crowded.
the three decided to sit down in one of the more quiet corners.

after they ordered their food and drinks, they started a simple conversation. Norma wasn't really listening to the though, until the waiter came with the food and drinks.

Norma then realized that they were talking about the mission. she ate her food silently while listening them talk about what to do if the transportation car caught on fire. Norma though it was very funny listening to them argue about wether or not the military cars are fireproof. Peggy said they were but Steve wasn't buying it.

a few minutes went by and Norma wasn't paying attention to the conversion anymore. instead, she was scanning the room for a nice person to talk to (or flirt with, if you want it straight up). she didn't find anyone that seemed interesting, and was around her age, so she gave up and went to the bar to go get another beer.

"one beer please" she said to the bartender with a kind smile. "comin' right up darlin'" he said. once he gave her the beer she walked back to the table and sat down, only to find Peggy and Steve kissing. she felt rage in her stomach as she saw the woman she so desperately liked kissing her best friend. but what could she do? nothing.

she decided that she'd go have a drink or two to take her mind off of it.

"two shots please" she said in a much less kind tone than she had used a few minutes earlier. "woah, sweet stuff! what's happened to ya?" said the bartender with slight concern lacing his voice. "don't bother. I don't wanna talk about it." said Norma in a slightly calmer tone.
the bartender gave her two shots and she took them both right away.

over the next hour she drank some more and danced with far too many strangers.
she knew she was drunk, but she didn't care.

she had not a care in the world as she was dancing with a random red headed woman whose hair was so clearly box dyed.

but the next morning, the next morning was a horror.


this chapter is honestly so weird if I'm being honest... it's kinda dramatic, I know, but I'm really trying to get over the military part so I'm speeding up the process. hope you're enjoying the story so far. (:

ps: I wrote this in an airplane (felt the need to mention that...).

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