Chapter eight

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when Steve and Peggy entered the lab, everyone seemed to go quiet. but after a few seconds of staring, they got back to work.

Peggy and Steve walked down an odd looking hallway that led to a very large room.

surprisingly when they entered the room nobody seemed to notice.

Steve saw two men working on what looked like some weird machine, while everyone else was just passing files around.

Peggy coughed loudly as to get someone to take notice to the two of them at the doorway.

"Ah! Carter! we've been waiting for you." said one of the men working on the machine, as he turned around. "good to see you Howard." said Peggy warmly.
"oh, and you must be Steve. I've heard a lot about you from Dr. Abraham here."

a slightly shorter man who turned out to be the one and only Dr. Abraham then turned around to face Steve.

"Hello soldier. good to see you again." he said. "good to see you too doctor." replied Steve.

"so Dr. Abraham tells me that you'd be a perfect match for our experiment here." said Howard.

"what experiment exactly? sir.." asked Steve skeptically. "well, basically what we're going to do is inject you with a serum that will increase your metabolism and overall strength." said Howard.

"well why not?.." said Steve.

{ fast forward to after the serum was injected because I don't know how to describe that bit... }

Steve and Peggy were now driving back to the base. Steve looked clearly fitter and he was extremely happy about it. he felt that now he could finally serve the army properly and do his part. on the other hand, he wasn't sure how rose and Bucky would react to this. he knew that being more fit would put him in more danger seeing as he'd be "more suitable to fight". still, he was happy, and didn't regret a thing.

Peggy seemed quite surprised by his new look but didn't pay much mind to it.

when they arrived at the base Peggy and Steve parted ways and Steve went to the shared bedroom of all the soldiers.
obviously none of the soldiers were there because they were all training.

so Steve waited and just appreciated his newfound body and strength. he was surprised he could finally do a full push-up.

after half an hour of waiting the soldiers slowly starting pouring in the room. one of them being Norma.

"Excuse me, that's not your bed sir. I think you might've got mixed up." said Norma as she approached him, clearly not having seen his face. Steve looked at her and her face instantly dropped. "Steve? what in the world?!" yelled Norma. "is this some kind of joke?"

Steve wasn't sure what to say so he just skipped to the point as fast as he could.

"Norma... do you know those experiments that Howard stark was making? well he said I was a good candidate for one of them. it was a serum! Norma look at me! I can finally be a proper soldier!" said Steve excitedly.

Norma was still shocked, not fully registering what she just heard.

for the rest of the evening Norma and Steve talked about his new form. Norma had so many questions and Steve didn't even know the answer to half of them.

after all the soldiers ate and drank they went off to bed. but Steve just laid in bed. all the excitement from this new body of his was enough to keep him awake for ages. so, he just waited for sleep to overcome him.


this is quite an odd chapter. and I'm sorry that I didn't get the lines of the lab scene right. I just didn't have enough time to search up what they actually said, so I played it by memory. anyways sorry for not updating in a bit.

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