Chapter twelve

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it was morning, yet again. and Norma had just finished brushing her teeth.

her and Steve both had special training later today, because their mission was very "risky" as agent Carter would say.

Steve's training was with Peggy, and Norma's training was with captain Bowman.

after both Norma and Steve were ready to leave they both parted ways to go see the captain, and miss Carter.

Steve had just arrived at miss Carter's office, but she was nowhere to be seen. so Steve just stood at the door and waited for Peggy to get there.

after a few minutes someone stepped out of the bathroom in her office. it was Peggy, in a bath robe.

"oh! bloody nora!" yelled Peggy in surprise. "I'm so sorry!" said Steve. but he couldn't help but stare at her for a second longer.

after Peggy changed into her clothes she walked back out of the bathroom awkwardly. "I completely forgot you were coming." she said. "it's fine. don't worry about it." said Steve nonchalantly.

they got over the awkwardness pretty quickly though.

it was currently half an hour later and Steve was learning what to do Incase he needed to hack the alarm system. "I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. am I supposed to decode this, or write it from scratch?" he asked. "let me show you." said Peggy. she went to stand behind him and put her hand on his shoulder. "you'll have to learn the password by heart, you have two weeks to learn it." said Peggy. Steve looked up at her and their faces were mere inches apart. they stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, and then... Peggy kissed him! Peggy. kissed. him. the kiss went on for what seemed to be forever. when they broke away Steve couldn't help but crack a smile. he couldn't wait to tell Rose!

moving on to Norma's current state. she was currently learning how to pick a lock Incase the plane was locked and they couldn't find the key. she had a hard, thin wire, and the captain was watching her try to unlock the lock. "you need to be more aggressive! stop being so gentle. you won't break it." said the captain. "ok, ok." said Norma.

this process went on and on for about two hours before the captain thought she had had enough.

"go back to your room, Norma. and go get Steve on your way." said the captain.

as Norma was on her way to agent Carter's office she couldn't help but be nervous for the mission, and she still didn't know how to properly pick a lock.

once she got to agent Carter's office she knocked twice on the door. "who is it?" she heard Peggy yell. "it's Norma. I've come to get Steve." Norma yelled back. the door opened and out came Steve, looking happy as ever. Norma was confused but she decided not to ask questions. "I'll see you tomorrow Steve?" Peggy asked Steve. "you bet!" said Steve with a smirk.

when they were out of Peggy's ears reach Norma whisper shouted "what was that about?" "I'll tell you when we get to the room!" said Steve.

when they got to the room Steve told Norma all about what happened in Peggy's office. the bathrobe, the kiss, and the position they were in. Norma tried to be supportive but there was this sick feeling at the back of her throat. you see, Norma had picked up on her feeling for Peggy not too long ago. she didn't know how to tell anyone in fear of what they'd say, so she kept quiet. she knew Peggy wouldn't like her back so she tried to keep her distance. but this, this broke her heart.

"that's amazing Steve! Peggy seems like a great person for you. a perfect match!" said Norma with fake enthusiasm. "thanks Norma. I really like her. I really do." said Steve, and Rose couldn't help but feel bad. in that moment she promised herself not to interfere. Steve deserved Peggy more than her, and besides, Peggy could never like her. could she?


I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere with this book!!! I'm really sorry for not updating much lately though, school is a pain.

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