Solangelo Headcannons

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Nico and Will have a small height difference, but Will absolutely loves teasing Nico about it. Nico is around 5'6 (For us, who use metric sistem, about 1.68 m) and Will is around 6'0 (1.80) That's only a couple inches, but Nico hates it. Will is always calling him "Cute" and "Adorable" and going "Oh gods, look at your tiny hands!" Which brings us to our next headcannon.

Nico has small hands and feet. Sure, his fingers are long and skinny BUT in proportion to his hands. Thanks to that, he has better control and can make the most stunning things in arts and crafts, unlike Will, who sucks at anything that's related to making crafts. Will thinks Nico's feet are the cutest thing ever. Is not a strange ocurrence to find Nico with his feet on Will's lap.

While Nico is the best swordman, Will always wins when they wrestle. He's stronger, being taller and heavier, and not afraid of playing dirty. He will tickle Nico or even kiss him to get the upper hand. Nico has tried unsucessfully to use the same tricks on Will. They don't work, Will isn't as ticklish as Nico and payback is hell. Will doesn't hold grudges. He gets revenge.

Nico can sing very well. Will is always pestering Nico to sing with him.

Will isn't afraid of public PDA. He can be pretty heavy with it, especially if Nico is hurt. If Nico doesn't stop him, Will can make out with him in front of the whole camp without blushing. That's really bad, because once Nico gets into it and forgets his initial shame, he gets lost in the moment. It has happened before and Chiron wasn't amused.

Will swears. A lot. And you can't change my mind.

Nico loves making Will blush. It only takes a few well placed whispers on Will's ear or muttering a compliment in Italian. It's Nico favourite thing ever.

Will wasn't prone to jealousy untill he met Nico. Nico is always SO OBLIVIOUS to flirting. He doesn't seem to realize when someone is staring at him or touching him for a moment too long. But Will does. Will always does. He can't be mad at Nico, because he's clueless, but he can give a deadly stare or kiss Nico in front of everyone who dares to try flirt with him. So, yeah, heavy PDA.

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