The big Three Kids: Ticklish

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. Alright, so Percy is like... unreasonably ticklish. His mom used to tickle him all the time when he was a kid, but as he grew older he managed to convince her his sensitivity had worn off. Of course that brief respite only lasted so long before he came to Camp Half-Blood and everyone discovered his secret. 

. His worst spots are his armpits, ribs, and feet. I also believe that his lower back is unfairly ticklish ever since the River Styx, and even after the curse wore off the spot remained hyper sensitive. Annabeth likes to trace her nails softly over it while they’re cuddling until he collapses until a giggly puddle in her arms. 

. He loves being tickled, as it makes him feel loved and wanted, but he has a difficult time admitting it. Annabeth is the only person he’s told before, but the others have put in their guesses by this point. His go-to method is just provoking people into tickle fights until they wreck his shit (which, you know, same).

. As a ler he’s super playful and teasy. He’s one of those people that uses baby talk when he’s tickling others and it flusters the shit out of people. Overall, he’s the biggest switch out of all of them. 


. So Jason’s not super ticklish actually.

. At first.

. He’s really good at hiding his sensitivity because Thalia used to tickle him all the time as a kid and so he’s used to defending against it. The only people who know are Piper, Leo, Percy, and Nico. Piper, because his neck is deathly ticklish and it makes making very giggly. Leo, because he’s a persistent little shit and wouldn’t stop trying until Jason finally broke. Percy only found out after play wrestling took a right wrong turn. Jason actually ended up confessing that he didn’t mind tickling to Nico, and whenever the former was stressed about something then Nico will softly tickle his sides until he forgets about it. 

. His worst spots are his sides and neck, as well as the backs of his knees. He will kick you if you get him there (luckily Piper knows how to defend herself and uses this information to her advantage often). His laugh starts off as these huffed, breathy chuckles, but once he really gets going he starts letting out these deep belly-laughs that rock his whole body. Nico says it only adds to his Superman aesthetic. Jason got him back mercilessly for that comment. 

. He’s a fairly gentle ler, not liking to push people’s boundaries too much and always worrying that he’s going to far. He loves seeing his friend’s smile however, and he finds Piper’s laugh adorable, so he has been known to ler on occasion. His most often victim is Nico, and possibly the only person he doesn’t hold back on. He knows Nico loves it though and needs to laugh, so he’s happy to engage him. 

. He and Percy can get into the occasional competitive tickle fight and everyone backs off when they’re in that mode, afraid of getting pulled in. 


. God help this girl... 

. She’s basically a walking tickle spot. A single poke to the side will get her to jump and squeak, and she’s one of those people who will start giggling before you even touch her. 

. She’s ticklish everywhere, but her worst spot is her stomach and knees. One time Percy tried to show her the spider-knee trick and she near lost her mind. 

. Has the cutest fucking giggles man, like, it is not even fair how adorable she is while being tickled. Will double over and turn into a squirmy puddle in your arms, but cannot fight back to save the life of her. Almost everyone on the Argo II tickles her just because her reactions are too great not to. Frank is the most often provoker of these moments, as he loves making her smile, though he’s a fairly shy ler himself.

. Contrary to popular belief, Hazel is a vicious ler. She knows everyone’s death spots, though no one is sure how she does, and she will exploit them if needed. Don’t get me wrong, she can’t defend herself for the life of her while being tickled, but after? You better start running. 

. Sometimes she’ll team up with Nico and have him use his skeletons to hold the victim down. Together they make an unstoppable combo. 


. Like Jason, everyone assumes she’s not ticklish. But whereas Jason was good at hiding it, no one ever tried with Thalia; they were all too scared of retaliation. Not even Jason knows, as he was almost always the victim of their fights. 

. One day when Reyna and Thalia are hanging out (which a lot of the time translates to making out with the two), Reyna’s fingers brush against her sides and she accidentally giggles into her mouth. Reyna’s eyes widen and Thalia freezes up in her arms. She narrows her eyes and does the whole “Don’t you dare-” spiel, but it’s too late and soon she’s squealing and pleading underneath Reyna’s skilled hands. 

. So now every time Thalia is trying to act tough and all high and mighty in front of the others, Reyna will squeeze her sides in passing and let the others sort out the accompanying squeak for themselves (to this day Reyna is the only one who’s gotten away with tickling Thalia successfully). 

. Her worst spots are sides, like her brother, and her hips. Has this adorable, girly squeal that she’s super embarrassed about though Reyna assures her it’s cute. 

. Doesn’t like to be tickled that much, and will tell everyone she knows that she hates it. She doesn’t mind really soft, gentle tickles though, if it’s from people she trusts (i.e. Jason and Reyna). 

. The cruelest fucking ler, she will wreck her victim until they are a shrieking, begging mess. A merciless demon who cannot be stopped, she’s struck fear in the hearts of many. Jason used to be her most common victim, though now it’s usually Reyna. Percy once pissed her off and he was giggling for several minutes after she stopped he may or may not have tried to provoke her into it again later whaaaat



. Literally so ticklish, how is he still alive??? Maybe it just runs in Hades children.

. Will insist he’s not ticklish and that he’s grown above “such childish nonsense”. Percy, of course, knows this is bullshit as he used to tickle him all the time as a kid and remembers that he used to love it. Sometimes he’ll bring it up when he’s denying it to others and Nico will turn this bright, cherry red and snap at Percy to shut up. 

. He can’t even admit it while he’s being tickled. In the same way that he could be dying and insist he’s fine, he could be curled up on the ground and giggling like a child and still wheeze out that he’s “not ticklish”. 

. His worst spots are his hips, feet, and thighs, as well as his shoulder blades (Will is the only one who knows about that last one and loves to torment him with it). 

. He has these adorable high-pitched giggles that are interspersed with hiccups and squeaks when it gets to be too much for him. He flails a lot when tickled, and generally has to be restrained for fear of injuring someone. 

. Contrary to his adamant denials, he loves being tickled. My boy is super touch-starved and loves the physical closeness that tickling brings. I also think there’s something about that fluttery, desperate quality to it that he loves and is flustered by all at the same time. 

. Will, Jason, and Percy all tickle him constantly, and he loves/hates it.

. Loves to be a ler almost as much as he likes being a lee. He’ll smirk and taunt his victim while holding them down with skeletons and wiggling his fingers right above their death spots until they can’t help but break down laughing before he’s even touched them. He tickles Will and Jason the most (he’s gets too flustered to even try tickling Percy), though he will tickle Hazel on occasion because he likes seeing her happy. 

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