Percabeth Hugging

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• Sometimes they hate to admit it, but Percy and Annabeth are both very clingy.

• Even though the love simply being near each other they prefer to be holding each other. You’ll often find them making contact in some form, whether it’s hand holding, cuddling or straight up making out.

• Hugging Percy is an amazing experience. Anyone will agree. When he hugs her his arms wrap around her tightly in a warm welcoming embrace. Her head rests on the crook of his neck, or sometimes her face is burrowed into his shoulder. With their closeness, Annabeth can smell his district aroma of an ocean breeze on a beautiful summers day. Percy’s hugs are always warm, you feel like you can melt in them just from the sweetness alone. He hugs with compassion and kindness.

• Hugging Annabeth is a rare but strangely beautiful experience. She rarely shows affection and will only open up in that kind of way if she really trusts or loves someone. Percy is a lucky guy who gets blessed with Annabeth hugs on the daily. When hugging Percy, Annabeth will always have one arm around his body and one holding his head, running her fingers through his hair. When she pulls in close his head rests near her long, curly hair that feels soft and smooth against his face. Her fragrance is a calming but brightening, natural floral scent with a hint of fresh tropical fruit. Percy believes he could live on that smell alone.

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