Nico's Surprise

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Nico frowned, glancing at the scenery rushing by Argus's van. He looked at Will in the passenger seat, whispering directions to the many-eyed bodyguard. "William Solace, where are we going?" Even Argus cracked a smile at 'William'. Will himself reached his arm to the back and put a 'hush' finger on Nico's lips. Nico's expression didn't change. "I thought we were going back to camp."

"Wherever we're going, I want a Happy Meal on the way."

The van kept rushing. Nico realised, Will was using magic to pass distances longer than the van was taking them. Maybe Apollo was in on it too? Or Hermes? Because a quick glance at the landmarks outside told Nico they were in Las Vegas. Memories of Bianca rushed back to him, and the Lotus Hotel, snippets of days full of carefree abandon where life never had a purpose. He never wanted to go back. So why was Will taking him here?

As they reached the place where the Lotus Casino should've been, in it's place was...

Was a building.

Not just any, but the most beautiful Nico had seen. It was modern, yet antique at the same time. It brought back a locked up memory of his mother's house in Italy, but the shrubs were bursting with life and the brickwork was brand new. Nico smelled Annabeth in this weird equation. Will led him inside, and Nico's breath was stolen by something other than Will, which barely ever happened. The inside of the house had a whole yin and yang look, with sunny white nooks and darker cushioned spaces. It was beautiful. Nico frowned again, wondering why Will had brought him here.

Suddenly, a beaming Annabeth materialised, leaning on a countertop, holding her Yankees cap, and without a word, led Nico and Will to the garden. It looked as if half the world was there, but Nico could make out Jason near a table piled with food, and Leo trying to get nearer to the table piled with food. A bronze fountain stood in the middle of a garden, paths snaking through the various shrubbery. The fountain was also a clock, with its gears visible, shifting and making the water drip in beautiful patterns. Leo smiled at it as if it was his firstborn child. Percy stood suspiciously near the fountain, and Nico could see his hands moving the water even more, giving a spectacular show.

He could make out Reyna's dogs, Aurum and Augmentum, running around the bronze fountain and saw the queen herself nabbing a pastry and handing it to Leo behind Jason and Piper's backs.


Nico saw Percy chuckle, "Hehe. Cupcakes. Sweet." as the fountain water became a giant one.

All the campers and Romans began cheering as they saw Nico and Will step out into the garden, and Nico whispered, "Will, I thought we were going home?"

Will kissed him, before leading him into the party. "We are."

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