Percabeth: Snow Day

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Percy woke up that morning and saw a strange light coming from his window. He threw his curtains open and there it was, snow.

He had seen snow at Camp Half-Blood before, but usually it was just a light dusting, like the sugar on a powdered donut. But looking threw the frosted window of his cabin, it looked like much more that that.

There must be a good six inches of it, laying a blanket across the fields.

After a huddled breakfast in the Big House, Percy met Annabeth in her cabin. The last time it had snowed like this at camp, they were 13 and he had just been at camp to visit for a few hours.

They ran around, throwing snow at each other, aiming for the face. They found a small, crappy, plastic sled in the shed out by the fields, and took turns pushing each other down parts of half-blood hill.

Percy and Annabeth both had such fond memories of that day, it was like a marker of when they went from just putting up with each other as friends, to being best friends, always by each other’s side and ready to fight.

Percy was going to make this day like that.

They bundled up and raced each other out into the snow. The grounds were filled with campers of all ages playing, fighting and messing around on a day off. The couple found an empty space behind the cabin and as soon as they had found someplace alone, they began to gran at the snow and launch it at each other, hard.

It was only after about ten minutes when Annabeth had managed to get snow down the neck of his jacket, leading him to the point of surrender.

”Okay, okay! Its over.”

”And…?” She said, looking at him.

”You…” Percy sighed. “You win.”

”Yes!!!” Annabeth yelled in success, jumping and throwing the snow she was holding up, into the open sky, before it fell back down over her like cold, wet confetti.

After that the pair made a lopsided snowman, naming it Robert. He had a bendy branch with leaves for a scarf and a selection of rocks formed his face. The snowman could be seen from the window of Cabin 6.

After that they joined the other campers, where cabins were split into two teams and a massive snowball fight was held. Very quickly everyone became cold and damp, and hot chocolate was being made in the big house.

But Percy didn’t want to hang around others for too long. He and Annabeth took their mugs back to Cabin 3, and drank while watching trash television from Netflix. It was like a dream until the night fell quickly to an end, and it was time for sleep. They remembered the last time Mr D caught them both sleeping in Percy’s cabin and decided to play it safe.

It was difficult for Percy to let go after escorting her to the door or her cabin, this would be a day he would treasure forever. Just him and his wise girl, no fights, no threats of death, just laughter and warm cuddles.

As Annabeth lay in her bed, she could see Robert  the snowman through the window. Just the memory made her chuckle to herself. What a perfect day. And what a perfect idiot she had spent it with.

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