Caleo Headcannon

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Leo had been waiting for 20 minutes, outside of a small cafe in the middle of the city. They had agreed on 12:00. He kept anxiously checking his celestial bronze watch. As he watched the cogs slowly turning on it's face, his doubts grew. What if she just didn't show up? He was never sure whether that girl liked him or not. He always tried to look confident and be really forward with romance, but really he's an anxious mess. He tried to push all the negative thoughts to the back of his head. Everything will be fine. She'll be here any minute.

Calypso was running along the pavement, too scared to check the time. Numerical time can be a confusing concept for her. On Ogygia she mostly calculated time using the sun. Numbers make things much more specific and she found herself running late more often than she'd prefer. She had forgotten all together that she had a date with Leo at 12:00. Even though that boy annoyed her she still likes him, you know? When she left her apartment she was already supposed to be there 10 minutes ago. He could have left already, thinking she's not coming. She wouldn't blame him. I mean, he's interested in her, she could tell. He was helpless and awkward when it came to these things, but somehow his "charm" had worked on her.

Leo looked up from his watch after hearing the sound of quick hurried footsteps. In front of him he saw Calypso. Her beautiful, glowing, honey coloured hair shone in the morning sun. Her mesmerising, glimmering, hazel eyes looked him up and down before meeting his with a soft gaze.

Leo realised he had been staring for too long. "So... we're you busy?"

Calypso thought carefully about her answer. She didn't want to seem like she cared too much. She didn't want to admit that she had absolutely nothing else to do and had been looking forward to this for a week. Before she could speak, Leo answered for her.

"It's totally fine by the way. I know you loose track of time a bit. I don't care at all."

He then followed that up with a quick, "Well you know like I do care about spending time with you but it's not your fault but also I'm a very busy person, you can probably tell, but I mean it's not like I've been excited for this at all that would be weird right?" He spoke so quickly Calypso could barely understand him. He's turned a rather impressive shade of red and was now looking at her, seemingly scared.

She couldn't help but let out a small laugh. The look on Leo's face turned quickly to relief. "It's fine, I just lost track of time. We should go inside now, it looks like it's going to rain."

Leo accepted that as an invitation to relax he walked over to the entrance and held open the door. "Ladies first." He said with a small smile.

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