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"Wow, your cafe looks all elegant" Jeongwoo praised.

"My mom designed the interior. She wanted it to be simple but elegant" Junghwan replied.

He was just helping his mother with her cafe. He doesn't want his mother to be overworked so he decided to work to help her.

And besides, he doesn't have anything to do so it would be better to use his free time to manage the cafe.

"Anyways, how are you? Bet you like someone now" Jeongwoo suddenly asked the younger.

Junghwan's smile faded as Jeongwoo asked the question.

To be honest, Junghwan doesn't have anytime for love at this moment. All he thinks is how can he help his mom to manage her cafe but never find someone that'll make him happy.

And addition to that is that he doesn't have time for that.

"Nah, it's not yet my priority"

"C'mon So Junghwan! You're almost on your 30's and you still spend all your time here" his friend said with concern.

"It's fine. I can wait for that someone to take care of me"

As much as he still likes Jeongwoo, he doesn't want to be a antagonist with him and his boyfriend's life. And another thing is that he looks happy with Haruto, he doesn't want to be a bother anymore.

"Stop asking about my boring life, Sir. Where's your boyfriend and you're being nosy" he asked, changing the topic.

"He's gonna be here in a minute. And what? I'm not being nosy, I'm just a concerned friend" Jeongwoo said.

Junghwan just let out a chuckle and gave Jeongwoo his Iced Americano.

"Woo!" the two both looked at the sudden voice from the entrance of the cafe.

"Hey! Are you done with work?" Junghwan almost wanted to gagged when he saw the two kissed right in front of him.

It makes him sick but not gonna lie that he sometimes wonder what is that feeling again.

That feeling when you know you had someone waiting for you, or that feeling when you know someone admires you despite of your flaws. And most especially when that someone gives you butterflies, he wonders how does that feel.

"Hwanie, we'll go first. I'll call you again next time" Junghwan just gave him a smile and nodded at him.

"Hmm, be careful you two" as the couple walked out the cafe he heard the chimes rang.

He was busy wiping the glasses so he didn't noticed who just entered the cafe. After finishing a tray of dry glasses, he walked towards the kitchen and transfered it.

As he went back on the cashier, he noticed a random red-haired guy sitting on a table near the window.

He smiled and brought him a menu as he approached the guy.

"Good morning, Sir. Can I—" he immediately stopped talking when the red-haired guy looked up to him with his puffy eyes.

"I—I'm sorry, Sir" Junghwan panicked and sat in front of the guy.

He could hear some little sobs from the guy so he immediately took out his handkerchief from his apron and gave it to him.

"I'm sorry that you are going through something"

The guy immediately wiped his tears and forced a smile.

"N—no, it's fine" the red haired guy said.

Junghwan looked at the guy with sympathy. It looks like he really needs someone right now.

Instead of giving the guy any response, he sat down beside him and pulled him in a tight hug.

"There.." the red haired guy was caught off guard of what the barista did but he ain't complaining.

He really needs it right now.

"Don't worry, no one will see you. I'll make sure of it so you can let it all out. No judgements"

Yoshi doesn't know what's with the barista's words that he automatically burst out in tears.

He can't deny that his hugs are warm. The way his arms were wrapped around his, he would do anything just to feel them again.

It feels like he found home with someone he doesn't even know.

"You are doing great right now. Don't let anyone dictate you on what you should do. You are more than enough and if in case that nobody told you, I am proud of you"

And with that, Yoshi doesn't know.

All he knows is that he is the kind of person he wanted on his life.

to be continued..

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