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Yoshi was quietly making his way towards Hyunsuk's studio when he saw the latter outside his own studio and was actually talking with someone. Though he can't recognize the person standing in front of Hyunsuk but his side profile was a bit familiar, like he had seen that person somewhere. 

Hyunsuk suddenly looked at his direction and waved at him, the younger japanese smiled and waved back at him. 

"Come here, Yosh! I will introduce you to someone" Hyunsuk giddily said and immediately pulled him beside him.

"By the way, this is the person I have been telling you about. He's both a producer and singer. He will be a good performer if you got to choose him" Yoshi was taken a back at the description from Hyunsuk. 

He didn't have the chance to stop his older friend when the person Hyunsuk was talking to earlier smiled and suddenly spoke. 

"You must be Kanemoto Yoshinori, right?" he could feel Hyunsuk nudged him with his elbow, the moment he looked at the older, he just nodded him like he was telling him to introduce himself.

"U-uhh yes, you can call me Yoshi though" Yoshi politely offered as he extended his hand for a shake.

"I'm Haruto Watanabe, it's nice to meet you. Uhh, I am the CEO of Bright Eyewear Corporation anyways" the other japanese introduced. His mouth just formed into an 'O', that's why he looked so familiar.

"Nice to meet you too, brother. Why would you visit this guy right here though?" he curiously asked.

"Actually, I was here for you" the younger japanese stated that left shock on the older japanese's whole system.

"F-for me? Why?" 

"Our company will be having a music festival next month. We wanted to invite some singers and producers to perform in our event. Hyunsuk hyung had already agreed to come and sing for our event and I was hoping to see you perform in our event too. I have heard a lot about you, and I wanted to invite you in case you are interested" Haruto explained.

Honestly, Yoshi doesn't know what to feel. He only performed once and he swore that he will never ever perform again because it turns out to be disaster the last time he performed on an event.

"I..." he was about to refuse to the proposed idea from the CEO but then he just smiled at Yoshi and tapped his shoulder.

"No need to rush though. I will contact you again on the last week of this month. Just think of it for a while, no rush" the CEO offered which left him with no choice.

"Anyways, nice to meet you two. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you guys need me or something" the CEO then bid his goodbyes at the two.

Hyunsuk turned to look at his friend who seems to think deeply of the offer later.

“Hey” the older spoke as soon as the CEO left the scene.

“I'm sorry, is that too sudden?” Hyunsuk worriedly asked. He was really worried the the japanese might be surprised at the offer.

He knows what happened 6 years ago, he was aware of it but he just thought that it might boost Yoshi's career after showing up to the music festival.

“No need to be sorry, suk. It's fine” he assured the older.

“I know you are still afraid after what happened last 6 years ago but please think about it first. I will help you as much as I could” Hyunsuk promised.

Hyunsuk never broke his promise though. He was very supprtive in every events and auditions he had tried on but he was just not sure about this one. The trauma still lingers around his head.

As much as he wanted to perform, he was afraid that will happen again while he was on an event.

“I will think about it, don't worry”

Hyunsuk smiled at him and pulled his bro for a hug. God knows how much he was very proud of the japanese, he had been a lot and he was thankful that the japanese had endured all of it, of course with his help.

“Tell me if you need anything okay?”

Yoshi smiled and nodded as a response.

“By the way, haven't seen you for 2 days, where have you been?” Hyunsuk asked.

As soon as the older asked, he suddenly remembered how the younger korean took care of him. And that made his cheeks flushed.

Of course, Hyunsuk was quick to notice.

“Are you sure that you are not dating someone right now?” Hyunsuk asked because seriously, he was getting more sus the pasy few days.

“N-no! I don't do datings. Besides, I don't have time for that!” Yoshi defensively answered not even looking at the older's eyes.

“Yoshi, when I catch you, Yoshi” Hyunsuk imitated the audio from a video he watched on a social media app.

“Silly, I promise. I am not dating anyone”

“No need to be defensive, hun. Dating is normal. I'll just think that you are still shy to introduce him to me. No worries”

Yoshi just jokingly glared at the older.

They are not yet at that level, or maybe they will never reach that level ever.

to be continued...

(please don't mind the typographical errors since i was sleepy when i wrote this, i'll try to edit it asap (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠))

(anyways, advance merry christmas everyone! i am proud of y'all for surviving this tough year, virtual hugs with consent to all of you <3)

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