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He was seriously moved to see the barista here on the orphanage. He did not expected to see him here.

"Sister! Guess who visited today!" Yeonjun joyously yelled, earning the nun's looks.

"Oh god, Yoshi!" Sister Anne happily called the red haired male and engulfed him in a tight warm hug.

How he misses his family so much.

"Maaa, I missed you" Yoshi said while hugging her back.

He was used on calling Sister Anne as 'Mama' since she was the one whom he grew up with. She took care of her and taught her a lot while he was young.

"My son, how are you? I heard you're already a producer. Is it hard?" Yoshi feels like his heart melt upon Sister Anne asking about his life.

"I'm doing good. How's the orphanage?" He asked even though he knows that the orphanage was doing well.

"We are doing well as well as the orphanage. And speaking of orphanage, let me introduce you to the son of our major contributor. He was close to your age anyways"

Yoshi couldn't even refuse at the offer when Sister Anne dragged him with her.

"Hey Hwannie, I want you to meet someone" Junghwan looked up to Sister Anne.

"This is Yoshi, I consider him as my son. He grew up here in the orphanage. He was my very loving and caring son" Sister Anne proudly introduced Yoshi as he ruffled his hair on the last sentence.

Junghwan then turn his gaze to the guy beside Sister Anne. He immediately smiled and waved at him.

"Hi Yoshi, I'm So Junghwan" Junghwan formally introduced as if they haven't met on his cafe.

For some apparent reasons, Yoshi couldn't even hold a 10 seconds eye contact with the brown haired korean male as his cheeks kept on displaying a bright tint of red.

"H-hi.. nice to meet you" he shyly said.

"He's cute isn't he?" Sister Anne asked the younger that made the older more shy.

"Yes, he is" Junghwan sounded like he was teasing him but he was indeed cute in his eyes.

"Yoshi, this is Junghwan. He's the son of our major contributor. He's really a good guy, I know you two will get along well"

"Anyways, you're visiting the kids?" Sister Anne asked Yoshi.

"Yes ma. Can I go to them?"

"Of course! We'll be outside. Call us if you need help okay?" Yoshi smiled as a response and nodded his head.

"The kids is at the play room. You may now go. Might as well go with Junghwan there. Junnie! Can you help me with the garden?" Sister Anne then asked Yeonjun as he left with the other nuns to arrange the garden, leaving the two alone.

Yoshi looked at Yeonjun who was smirking at him and mouthed a 'goodluck' as he left the lobby with the other nuns.

When the two finally left at the lobby, Yoshi was feeling uneasy. He tried to clear his throat and shyly scratched his nape.

"H-hi.." he shyly greeted the younger still not making an eye contact with him.

"Hi.." the younger greeted back with a playful smile.

"I-I didn't expected t-to see you h-here" he said while stuttering.

Junghwan chuckled hearing the older was looking all nervous by stuttering.

"No need to be nervous around me"

"I'm sorry"

"Why are you apologizing. There's nothing to be sorry for" Junghwan said while chuckling.

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