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Yoshi was having his sweet smile just by staring at the kids who was sleeping soundfully on their beds. He lastly tucked Rosie to bed and waited for her to fall asleep.

"Good night, Yoshi oppa" Rosie lastly said and closed her eyes.

"Good night, angel" he softly said while combing the little girl's hair using his fingers.

A few minutes later, Junghwan entered the room gently, making sure he doesn't make any loud noises.

"Are they asleep?" Junghwan asked, whispering.

Yoshi smiled again and nodded his head.

"Is it okay with you?" the older asked as the latter's eyes turned to the japanese.

"Okay with what?"

"I-I can tour you around here, if it's okay with you?"

The younger korean male seemed to be surprised of his sudden question. Junghwan was really interested in this orphanage. He was really thankful that his mom chose this orphanage to help them.

Aside from that, this orphanage really had a special place on the japanese's heart. The kind hearted nuns as well as the cute and playful kids just makes it more special.

The orphanage was handled by some bunch of nuns and Yoshi really grew up adopting their kind and loving personality.

"Hey, Sir?" Yoshi was finally brought back to reality when the younger called him. He didn't even realized that he was already spacing out.

He was just admiring the good sight in front of him.

The red-haired male stood up gently and went with the younger outside to have some tour around.

"The kids were really cute, aren't they?" Yoshi suddenly beamed with a cute smile plastered on his face.

"Yeah, I just felt bad for them at some point" Junghwan said while staring staright through the way as the older averted his gaze to him.


"Because they have to grow up without parents, alone" He understand Junghwan's point but he believes that those kids aren't alone.

As someone who grew up in this household, he really felt he wasn't alone while he was staying here. But we just couldn't deny that a parents' love still hits different. Now, that's another kind of pain for the kids once they finally reflected to themselves when they grow up.

"Well, it's honestly sad but meeting other kids already feels like family. To have them as your friends also with the help of the nuns, I believe it's not a bad thing to grow up here"

But despite those fun times, Yoshi couldn't help but to feel sad now that he thought of that.

"You must be tired playing with the kids, take this" his gaze trailed down, seeing a burger handed by Junghwan.

"No, it's -"

"Shh, I won't take a no as an answer" Junghwan reached for his hand and placed the burger.

Yoshi had no other choice but to eat the burger Junghwan gave. And besides, he suddenly felt hungry after smelling the meaty scent of the burger. Might as well, he go and eat it.

"Thank you" Yoshi said before having a bite on the burger.

"Welcome, Sir" he replied.

The older guy immediately chuckled on how the guy called him.

"That's too formal to call me Sir even outside your work"

Junghwan shyly hid his face.

"Saying your name just feels wrong for me. Especially that we didn't have a proper introduction to ourselves" Junghwan reasoned out.

Junghwan was really feeling like he was being 'too' friendly to him especially that he was a regular costumer to their cafe. It just doesn't sound right to call him with his name casually.

"Then I guess I'll introduce myself" Yoshi playfully straighten his back while sitting and offered his hand.

"I'm Yoshinori, you can just call me Yoshi instead. I know my name's kinda long sorry. But it's a pleasure to meet you" the japanese introduced while having his warm big smile.

"So Junghwan. I hope we can be friends" he replied.

"Of course!"

"But honestly.." the older got worried at the suddenly pause of sentence from Junghwan.

"Honestly what?"

"Your name is cute" the older immediately blushed at the compliment from the younger.

"I-I know that" he stuttered as he hid his face in embarrassment. Also the way his face blushes, it can't let him see him with that state.

"You're blushing" the younger teased.

"Stop teasing me, kid"

"Hey, you crossed the line. I'm not a kid anymore!" Junghwan whined, having this cute little pouts on his lips.

And to be honestly speaking, Yoshi adored those cute gestures from the younger.

"Kidding" Yoshi playfully responded as he ruffled the younger's hair while giggling.

Junghwan was still sulking when he turned his eyes on the orphanage's entrance door.

"I am not expecting to see you here though" Yoshi added while still glancing at the younger korean.


"Because you're rich? And I think rich people spends their money on some other things" Yoshi truthfully replied.

I mean no offense to rich people out there but his perspectives about those people is just.. different.

Instead of being offended, Junghwan chuckled hearing those statements from the japanese.

"Do you have some kind of anger towards rich people?" Junghwan jokingly asked.

"Nooo, I just thought... You know"

"Hey, I'm just kidding. But yeah, I might be a rich person but I will disagree to what you said"

Junghwan might grow on a silver spoon household but his parents taught him to never boast it to anyone. His parents taught him well.

"My parents always taught me not to waste money to other things I don't need. And maybe, that got on me as I get older. I also taught there's a lot of people who suffers because of financial problems so I never want to spent too much money on the things I don't need that much"

Yoshi was just staring at the younger as he talk. He can't help but to feel amazed on his personality. He was such a wonderful person.

Exactly his ideal type.

But anyways, we're not here to talk about that.

"My parents supported different programs where they donated money to organizations that gives scholarships to those in need. They are also donating money to charities and orphanage. That's why I am here. I decided to help my parents"

"And somehow, it made me happy knowing that we helped a lot of people. You know, there's still a lot of kind rich people. They might be rare but there's still some"

"And you're one of them" Yoshi suddenly spat out.

"You think so?"

"Of course! You're a great person"

Junghwan's smile couldn't help but to show. To be honest, despite all his efforts and personality he was still underappreciated. No one had ever complimented his personality, no one ever saw it.

But he's okay with it. He never thought of it. But the compliment from the japanese flutters his heart.

"You're a wonderful person, keep on going" the japanese said with a smile as he pat the younger's head.

to be continued...

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