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Yoshi massaged his temples as soon as he felt his head hurts, he suspected that it was a migraine. He had been staying up late to write some songs.

His fluffy face are already pale, his temperature are increasing but he just chose to shrug them off because he still have to pass the songs by tonight.

His phone lit up and he just took a glance of it after seeing that it was Hyunsuk checking up on him.

Yoshi honestly couldn't think of anything to write on the paper lying in front of him. Aside from he was already running out of idea, it seems like his headache had been affecting him big time.

The red-haired guy heaved a deep sigh and leaned on the table before closing his eyes. He just couldn't take his headache anymore.

He was just about to drift to sleep when he heard his phone rang. He doesn't have any plans on answering anyone's calls at the moment but his phone had been ringing for almost 3 times and so he went to check it out.

It was an incoming call from Junghwan.

As soon as he saw the name on the screen, his chest began to skip numerous beats rapidly. His hands are itching to accept the call but still, he was hesitant.

The call stopped for a while before it again rang. Yoshi again let out a defeated sigh before he answered the call weakly.

"Hyung!" Junghwan excitedly squeaked which made the older japanese to smile unknowingly.

"Hmm?" he hummed as a response, as much as he wanted to increase his energy but he just don't have the energy to do so.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Junghwan worriedly asked, noticing how his hyung's voice sound so weak.

"N-nothing, just don't feel well today" he said while massaging his temples.

His head is throbbing in pain and as much as he wanted to take meds, he still needs to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine for himself.

"W-wait for me there okay? I will go there right now"

"Junghwan, it's unnecessary. No... need" his sentence was cut off when the younger dropped the call. Leaving the japanese with no other choice but to wait for him.

Yoshinori hugged his knees, disappointed at himself for being so vulnerable around Junghwan. As much as he wanted to be more independent of himself, he just couldn't help but to let the younger know what is going on with him.

He stood up from his seat and collapsed at the bed, closing his eyes while still massaging his head.


The once asleep japanese red-haired guy woke up from his head still throbbing, but this time it was more intense than earlier.

As much as he didn't want to cry over a headache, he just couldn't handle the pain anymore to the point that he started crying.

"Hey hey, hyung. Why are you crying?" he immediately opened his eyes despite the terrible headache he had and so the worried face of Junghwan in front of him.

Yoshi didn't even replied anything and just had the urges to let himself br engulfed with the younger's arms. The japanese opened his arms still having some tears on his eyes.

Junghwan then smiled before welcoming the red-haired guy on his arms.

"My head hurts, my body feels heavy, I feel so terrible right now" Yoshi opened up, letting himself cry in Junghwan's shoulders.

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