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Few months passed, Junghwan and Yoshi grew more closer with each other. Yoshi would oftentimes visit the Dazzle Cafe and have lunch together.

Junghwan also discovered that Yoshi was 5 years older than Yoshi and he would call him 'hyung' and Yoshi would love how he sound so lovely calling him with those.

Yoshi never thought that 'hyung' would be his new favorite word to hear most especially when it was from Junghwan.

Inside those months, it also made Yoshi realized how he was slowly falling in love with the younger. But nonetheless, he was contented of what they have as long as he would keep him beside him.

As much as he wants something deep from the younger, he respects him and he would do anything what it takes to keep his feelings and preserve what they have at the moment.

He was so afraid to break their bond.

Love at first sight? Cliché as what others would say but not for Yoshi. In his case, he do adored him at the first sight but getting to know the younger made him fall in love with him even more. His gentle and lovely personality was what he loves the most about him

Yoshi was quietly eating his breakfast and scrolling through his phone when a notification popped out on his screen.

He immediately opened and scanned the mail.

His eyes and mouth are slowly opening wide as he process on his mind what was the content of the email.

He was rushing to the fridge to drink some water before running back to the living room to his things.


“Oh my god, I am very very happy for you, my dear!” Hyunsuk squealed.

The older felt like he was Yoshi's mother, watching him achieve all the things that he deserved.

Yoshi's songs got accepted on a big company, some big artists and groups are there and he was really happy, this feels like a big achievement for him.

“H-hyung, I gotta go. I need to go somewhere” he excitedly said.

“Hey! How about a celebration?”

“I'll treat you this Saturday. I'll call you, promise!” Yoshi lastly said before stepping out the older's studio and went on the cafe.

As soon as he reached the cafe, he was already holding the knob but then was stopped upon seeing the younger together with a guy.

His heart clenched upon seeing them smiling and giggling together like some kind of in love teenagers.

The red-haired guy wondered who was that guy and why does Junghwan looks so happy around him.

“Hey, you are Sir Junghwan's regular customer right?” he immediately turned to looks who was talking.

He saw a young girl with the cafe's uniform, standing not so far from him.

“I'll tell Sir Junghwan that you're here” the girl was about to enter the cafe when  Yoshi immediately grabbed her wrist, stopping her from entering the cafe.

“N-no.. please”

She was honestly familiar but nonetheless, he doesn't want Junghwan to see him. The girl was scanning the red-haired guy who was staring at the two inside the cafe.

“C-can I just ask something?”


“D-do you perhaps k-know the guy Junghwan was talking to?” he couldn't help but to ask.

The girl worriedly stared at him before responding.

“He's Park Jeongwoo, sir. Boss was very open about him and heard from him that they were once lovers but Sir Junghwan needed to leave to study abroad”

The red-haired guy's gazes lowered down as soon as he heard about the guy. He can see how different he stares at Jeongwoo and it made him somehow felt bad for Junghwan.

But nevertheless, he can't judge what happened since he doesn't know the whole story. He can't do anything right at this moment.

“No offense, Sir. But do you some sort have a feelings for my boss?” the girl asked.

Although she knows the answer, she still knows that's he'll deny it.

“Junghwan's a great person but I don't think we can be together” he answered indirectly.

“Why did you say so?”

“Because he already has someone now.” the girl didn't have the chance to reply when they saw that the two caught them talking before Junghwan waved at the both of them.


Yoshi was quietly seating together with Junghwan and Jeongwoo, he was taking his time observing things about the two.

“So, you two are already close now?” Jeongwoo asked enthusiastically.

Yoshi couldn't even found the right words to say because he, himself, he doesn't know if they are already close enough to say yes to Jeongwoo's question.

But the past few days, they have been getting to know each other little by little. They are also both comfortable with each other's presence.

“Well, sort of” Junghwan was the one who answered the question.

“Ohh, Junghwan had been telling me amazing stories about you just an hour ago. And I didn't expected you to be this cute” Jeongwoo joked earning a glare from the younger.

Meanwhile, Yoshi was flustered hearing what Jeongwoo told him.

“H-he had been telling stories about me?” Yoshi wanted to confirm again.


Yoshi was preventing himself from smiling as he playfully got close to Jeongwoo.

“What did he told you about me?”

“Come on!” Junghwan was already done with them.

Jeongwoo just bursted out of laughter. He saw that Junghwan leaned closer to Jeongwoo and said something which Yoshi cannot already hear.

That moment he saw how the two looked good together, he can't even go against with it.

Yoshi being himself again, it doesn't matter if he got hurt with his idea but it was his natural instinct to help Junghwan make a move with Jeongwoo.

As long as it will make him happy, he's already contented with that.

to be continued...


(good morning! enjoy the 4 updates today, sorry for the long wait :(( by the way, we are coming closer to the end. thank you everyone for your patience. I planned to make this short since it was just only a sequel of lost stars. i will continue work hard!)

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