adult Stevens payback for Ranaldo(Adult Steven and jane smut )

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Steven now 21 was angry because Ranaldo showed up to his temple without permission and vandalised the temple .

Steven finally had enough of his shit.

"Look you huge prick, After the way you've treated me, and my family, you deserve payback, now get to work peasant!!" Steven said throwing him a mop and bucket.

Randaldo back talked. "At least I had a girlfriend!"

"Yeah, well, I was saving the world! what's your excuse?! Paperboy!!!" Steven hissed.

"Your supposed to be working! And not the crap no-one not even your grandma listens too your trash podcasts about gem life, then you tried to replace me, Steven and let's get something clear! You DONT MESS WITH ME PLAYDOUGH HAIR BOY."  Steven said pissed off.

"But you ruined my relationship with a girl I liked!!" Randaldo fumed.

"I had good intentions! Plus it's not my fault she never liked you that way, she saw through who you really are, trash." Steven smirked as his phone had a message.

"Oh I don't wanna be late, your ex slid into my dms and asked for a fun night, can't say no."

Ranaldo "I thought we were best friends!" 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Steven growled. "yeah imaginary, now excuse me while I fuck your ex the right way, plus she prefers a big hotdog and as my dad says, without pork chops we wouldn't have hotdogs she needs a big one and you have a mini corn dog so, stand aside. "

Randaldo was speechless. "STEVEN DON'T YOU DARE!!"

"Whoops I'm already doing it." Steven said not giving one fuck.

Then minutes later Steven wrestled hard with Jane in the sheets. "Wow steven!! Didn't know you were That good!"

"Well, I'm guessing you were used to being dissapointed all of the time so I wanted to change that." Steven said brutally honest hugging her gently as randaldo saw it shocked.

"You should have left my temple alone, but uh, her temple wasn't and taken cared for, also call me later~" Steven flirted at Jane causing her to blush hard.

"Will do!" She waved friendly.

"Stick to your right hand, or wait maybe you'll dissapoint it too." Steven said flipping him off and headed home with a smirk on his face.

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