The job

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(Joel, Tess, Blake, and Marlene all got out of the area before any soldiers could catch up to them)

(After evading a couple of patrols, the group arrives at a seemingly abandoned building)

Joel: What are we smuggling?

Marlene: I'll show you

(Marlene opens the door, but collapses onto her knees from blood loss)

(Joel goes to help her up but a girl named Ellie swings a switchblade at him)

Ellie: Get the fuck away from her!

(Blake's heightened senses kick in, and they grab Ellie's arm before she can stab Joel)

Marlene: Let her go

(Blake lets go of Ellie's arm, and Ellie seemed impressed by Blake's reflexes)

Joel: You're recruiting kinda young, aren't ya?

Marlene: She's not one of mine

Ellie: Shit. What happened?

Marlene: Don't worry. The wound is fixable. I got us help. But I can't come with you

Ellie: Well then I'm staying

Marlene: Ellie, we won't get another shot at this

Joel: Wait, we're smuggling her?

Marlene: Yes. There's a crew of fireflies that'll meet you at the capitol building

Tess: That's not exactly close

Marlene: You're capable. You hand her off and come back, and the weapons are all yours. Double what Robert sold me

Blake: Speaking of which, you still somehow neglacted to mention where these supposed guns actually are

Marlene: They're back at our camp

Tess: Yeah right. We're not smuggling shit until we see them

Marlene: You'll follow me. You can verify the weapons, and I can get patched up. But she's not crossing into that part of town. I want you three to watch over her

Blake: Wait what?

Joel: Woah woah, I don't think that's the best idea

Ellie: Bullshit! I'm not going anywhere with them!

Tess: Are you out of your mind?


Ellie: How do you know these people?

Marlene: I was close with Joel's brother, Tommy. He used to be a firefly. He said that if I was ever in a jam, that I could rely on him

Joel: Was that before or after he left your little militia group?

Marlene: He left you too, you know. He was a good man

Tess: Look. You two can just take her to the north tunnel and wait for me there

Joel: Jesus Christ...

Tess: She's just cargo, Joel

Ellie: Marlene...

Marlene: No more talking. You'll be fine. Now go with them

Joel: Don't take long. And you, stay close. Lets go

(Joel, Blake, and Ellie walk out the door, leaving Tess and Marlene inside)

(But when they walk out, they see a bunch of dead bodies on the ground)

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