Brotherly reunion

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(In the fall, Joel, Blake, and Ellie come up to a sign that says "Jackson county")

Ellie: Jackson county. That means we're close to Jackson city, right?

Joel: Shouldn't be more than a few more miles

Ellie: Have you ever actually met Tommy?

Blake: A couple of times, but we didn't really talk a lot

Ellie: You ready to see dear old brother?

Joel: I'm just ready to get there

Ellie: You nervous?

Joel: I don't know what I'm feeling

(The three follow a dirt road, which leads to a dead end)

Ellie: Well, so much for this road

Blake: Where now?

Joel: Follow the river. It'll lead us straight to Tommy's

(The three slide down a slippery grassy hill)

Ellie: What happened between you two?

Joel: What do you mean?

Ellie: You and Tommy. You're not together, so clearly something went down

Joel: We just had a bit of a disagreement. That's all

Ellie: Oh, here we go. What was it about?

Joel: Tommy saw the world one way, and I saw it another way

Ellie: And that's why he joined the fireflies?

Joel: Yeah. Your friend Marlene promised him hope. That kept him busy for a while, but just like Tommy, he eventually quit that too

Ellie: How was it the last time you saw him?

Blake: Tommy wanted more from life than just survival. And Joel didn't really think there's hope for humanity. And honestly, I don't think there is either

Joel: Yep. And I believe his last words to me were "I don't ever wanna see your goddamned face again"

Ellie: Jeez. But he's gonna help us?

Joel: I suppose we're gonna find out

Ellie: Well, we're gonna get there. With or without his help

Joel: Lets just keep going

(The three walk down the riverbank and they find a large building)

Ellie: Woah. What's that?

Joel: That right there is a hydroelectric power plant

Ellie: A hydra what?

Joel: It converts the river's movement and turns it into electricity

Ellie: How does it do that?

Joel: Look. I know what it is. I don't know how it does it

Blake: You could probably ask Tommy later, Ellie

Ellie: Alright. How are we getting across?

Joel: Like this

(Joel turns a crank and it makes a bridge come up across the river, and the trio crosses over)

(They walk along some metal catwalks before going back to actual ground)

Ellie: Augh. I'm so hungry

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