White winter

109 4 0

(A rabbit comes out of it's den and looks around, but then Ellie shoots it with an arrow from her bow)

Ellie: This won't last very long

(Ellie ties the rabbit to her horse)

Blake: Look. Over there

(Ellie and Blake look past a couple of trees and find a deer)

(The deer knows it's being watched, so it runs away)

(Blake uses their heightened senses to follow the trail with Ellie following)

Ellie: Where'd you go...

(They follow the footprints and see the deer in a clearing)

Blake: There you are... Would you do the honors?

Ellie: Gladly

(Ellie pulls back her bow string and shoots an arrow right into the deer, but it takes off running again, this time leaving a blood trail)

Ellie: (Frustrated grunt)

Blake: Follow the blood

(The blood trail leads Ellie and Blake to the deer, and Ellie hits it with another arrow, but it runs away again)

(Ellie and Blake look at each other in confusion)

Ellie: How is this thing still alive?

Blake: That's got to be the toughest deer I've ever seen

(They continue to follow the now increasing blood trail, and they find a weathered wooden hut along the way)

Ellie: What is this place?

Blake: There might be bandits in this area. Trust no one

Ellie: There's the deer

(Blake closes their eyes for a moment and focuses on hearing)

Blake: I know you're hiding over there. Are you coming out, or do I have to seek you out?

(Two men named David and James come out with their hands raised)

David: Hello... We just want to talk

Ellie: Any sudden moves, and I put one between your eyes

Blake: Same goes for your sidekick

Ellie: What do you want?

David: Um, my name's David. And this here's my friend James. We're from a large group. Men, women, and children. We're all very, very hungry

Ellie: So are we. Men, women, and children. All very hungry too

David: Well, maybe we could, ah, trade you for some of that meat there

Blake: What do you have to offer?

David: We have weapons, ammo, clothes, medicine-

Ellie: Do you have any antibiotics?

David: We do, back at camp. You're welcome to follow us-

Ellie: We're not following you anywhere. Buddy boy can go get it. He comes back with what we need, and the deer is yours. Anyone else shows up-

David: You put one right between my eyes?

Ellie: That's right

David: Two bottles of penicillin and a syringe, make it fast. Go on

Just a Last Of Us fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora